Cash & Sass

Money Makeover: Sarah Suzuki's Journey to Financial Empowerment and Freedom

Lisa Marie Robinson & Sarah Suzuki Episode 2

In this episode of the "Cash and Sass" podcast, host Lisa Marie and guest Sarah Suzuki discuss Sarah's journey from a scarcity mindset to financial empowerment. Sarah, a clinical social worker and founder of Chicago Campus Counseling, shares how childhood experiences shaped her views on money, leading to fear-based decisions.

With Lisa's wealth coaching, Sarah transformed her approach to money, resulting in significant business decisions and personal financial confidence. They highlight the importance of professional support and the positive changes in Sarah's business, personal life, and team dynamics, especially during the challenging times of 2020. The episode emphasizes the value of vulnerability and partnership in achieving financial success and well-being.

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Scarcity Mindset (00:02:29) Sarah discusses the childhood imprints and experiences that led to her scarcity mindset and its impact on her financial decisions.

Challenges of Managing Money as an Entrepreneur (00:06:19) Sarah shares her struggles with managing money and her beliefs about her lack of knowledge in financial matters.

Family Influence on Money Mindset (00:09:41) Sarah talks about the disconnect she felt with her family's financial understanding and how her brother's intuitive sense contrasted with her own emotional understanding.

Hiring a Money Coach (00:13:38) Sarah discusses her initial skepticism and the process of hiring a money coach, including her request for a trial period and the eventual positive transformation in her financial management.

Business Expansion (00:20:46) Lisa Marie highlights Sarah's significant business expansion, including signing a long-term lease, as a result of the improved financial management.

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The Sassy Wealth Coach™

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<b>[MUSIC]</b><b>You're listening to Cash and Sass.</b><b>I'm Lisa Marie, your go-to</b><b>gal for all things money.</b><b>As the Sassy Wealth Queen and the brains</b><b>behind the Sassy Wealth Coach,</b><b>I'm here to take you on a thrilling ride</b><b>from the financial chaos to Sassy and</b><b>sexy money.</b><b>Hey, my Sassy friend, welcome back to</b><b>Cash in SaaS podcast.</b><b>And with me today is my friend and</b><b>one of my long standing</b><b>clients, Sarah Suzuki.</b><b>And I'm gonna, no, I'm not gonna do your</b><b>titles right, but I'm gonna try.</b><b>I'm going to, a little bit about Sarah.</b><b>Sarah Suzuki has an LCSW and a CRADC,</b><b>is a trailblazer in</b><b>recovery and behavior change.</b><b>And as the founder of Chicago Compass</b><b>Counseling, she champions identity</b><b>affirming change that</b><b>confronts systematic racism.</b><b>Known for her</b><b>invitation to accountability.</b><b>I so love that.</b><b>Sarah has spurred transformative change</b><b>in over 60 organizations,</b><b>including the FBI and major conferences.</b><b>Alongside Sarah Bueno,</b><b>did I say that right?</b><b>- Bueno, yes.</b><b>- Yay, okay.</b><b>She co-developed the CERAS,</b><b>which is a groundbreaking initiative to</b><b>dismantle white supremacy.</b><b>In her personal life, she finds balance</b><b>in a nonfiction writing,</b><b>serving on the board of SISTA, AFA</b><b>Community Care and Cross Country Skiing.</b><b>More than a leader, Sarah is a devoted</b><b>co-conspirator in systematic liberation.</b><b>Her primary aim is to center recovery as</b><b>the key to equitable and</b><b>accessible care for all.</b><b>And one of the things I'm gonna say about</b><b>Sarah is her counseling business</b><b>is all about recovery.</b><b>That's where, that's what their niche is,</b><b>is all about recovery.</b><b>So Sarah, what I wanna</b><b>start with is you mentioned,</b><b>when I asked you what one of your</b><b>limiting money beliefs were,</b><b>was it was good to</b><b>live in scarcity mindset.</b><b>And you put because</b><b>scarcity keeps you sharp.</b><b>And I find that</b><b>interesting because of course,</b><b>our brain immediately</b><b>knows that's not true, yet,</b><b>that's where your</b><b>scarcity mindset stemmed from.</b><b>Can you go a little bit into that?</b><b>Oh, yeah. So it, I mean,</b><b>I'm a therapist, right?</b><b>So I think a lot of stuff goes back to</b><b>childhood imprints and experiences.</b><b>And for me, I had this experience of, so</b><b>my mom was a single mom.</b><b>My dad had a lot of mental illness.</b><b>And part of his mental illness was not</b><b>managing money very well.</b><b>And her kind of role was to try to raise</b><b>my brother and me and provide for us.</b><b>And she often would be very worried about</b><b>money or worrying about how to pay</b><b>the bills or we'd go over to his house</b><b>and she would be cutting up credit card</b><b>offers that were in his mailbox.</b><b>And so I started to associate worrying</b><b>about money and being scared of money</b><b>with being responsible</b><b>and caring and loving.</b><b>And then in contrast, with my idea that</b><b>my dad just kind of wasn't paying any</b><b>attention to money, felt like he could</b><b>spend wherever, whatever,</b><b>being easy going about money was</b><b>dangerous, that that</b><b>was a path of slipping</b><b>toward insanity. And of course, I'm</b><b>saying this in these</b><b>very reductive terms,</b><b>but as a child, that was</b><b>really how I internalized it.</b><b>My mom had the good mindset. My dad had</b><b>the dangerous, bad mindset.</b><b>And of course, right,</b><b>it's very imbalanced.</b><b>And I know that's not true, but there's a</b><b>hypervigilance and a fear that I always</b><b>brought to money. And it didn't lead to</b><b>me making good decisions.</b><b>It really led to me being almost the</b><b>opposite of what I wanted, more impulsive</b><b>or making these like</b><b>emotional fear-based decisions.</b><b>Or like I think this is a classic example</b><b>in financial, personal financial</b><b>literature. I'd get into credit card debt</b><b>and then be scared of how much debt</b><b>there was and I'd pay it all off at once</b><b>to feel better, but then I wouldn't have</b><b>any cash flow. So my whole scarcity</b><b>mindset led to this</b><b>sort of white knuckled</b><b>fear when it came to money. So hopefully</b><b>that kind of explains it a little bit.</b><b>It does. And what I find interesting is</b><b>that a lot of us have these types of</b><b>stories, whether they're different or</b><b>some could be the same, but we all have</b><b>something from our childhood that has</b><b>stemmed in, that has given us that</b><b>imbalance, especially when it comes to</b><b>money mindset and money management.</b><b>And a lot of times, just like you, when</b><b>you reached out to me and we started</b><b>working, in a lot of ways we don't</b><b>realize it. Or if we</b><b>realize it, we don't know</b><b>what the hell we're supposed to do about</b><b>it, right? Because we were never taught</b><b>because it came from our generation and</b><b>it came from the generation before them.</b><b>And what I loved about it is, is you said</b><b>that, you know, in some ways you made</b><b>some good decisions. However, the</b><b>scarcity mindset</b><b>prevented you from making wise</b><b>decisions. And me doing DBT years ago, I</b><b>was like, hey, I know what that meant.</b><b>Yeah, right. Right. Dialectical behavior</b><b>therapy, wise mind where you're bringing</b><b>in your emotion mind and your, you know,</b><b>rational, logical mind.</b><b>Right. Right. So what was one of the</b><b>hardest parts of managing the money side,</b><b>the financial side when you decided to</b><b>become an entrepreneur?</b><b>Well, I mean, pretty much everything,</b><b>because by the time I became an</b><b>entrepreneur and also was trained in a</b><b>therapy, to be a</b><b>therapist, I had a pretty</b><b>good idea of my strengths. But another</b><b>really limiting belief</b><b>that I had is I don't</b><b>know anything about money. I'm clueless.</b><b>There's no way I can possibly learn it.</b><b>And just that I have no idea what I'm</b><b>doing. And so I would try</b><b>to learn about it, but then</b><b>anybody who would tell me, oh, well, I</b><b>know more about it, or I</b><b>can help you figure it out.</b><b>I would kind of instantly trust them and</b><b>then not really trust myself.</b><b>So I just kind of felt like, you know, if</b><b>I'd read something</b><b>like, oh, you need to have,</b><b>you need to have an</b><b>accountant who is filing your taxes.</b><b>I'd be like, okay, yeah, I need to find</b><b>that. Oh, you need to</b><b>make sure that you've got an</b><b>accounting system. Here's a system you</b><b>could use. I'm like, all</b><b>right, let me try that.</b><b>And so I just kind of trusted any piece</b><b>of advice that would come my way.</b><b>And I ended up with this sort of very</b><b>kind of chaotic functioning, I think.</b><b>Because in my mind, right, I can trust</b><b>everyone and everything</b><b>except for myself when it came to</b><b>money. Except then I started having to</b><b>like trust myself when I was like, huh,</b><b>something seems like</b><b>wrong. Things are not actually adding up.</b><b>So I don't know if I don't</b><b>know if we want to talk about</b><b>that part of like our</b><b>origin story, too, you know?</b><b>Oh, we're going to get into that. We're</b><b>going to get into that</b><b>because I want and the reason why is</b><b>because which is why I love the fact that</b><b>you're my first guest is</b><b>because I want the listeners,</b><b>I want my sassy friend to hear and see</b><b>for those who watch it on</b><b>YouTube, to see the transformation</b><b>that's actually possible because I think</b><b>as you know, you know, I'm</b><b>all about sassy money, sassy</b><b>and sexy money. I say it all the time.</b><b>And we've talked about it several times</b><b>that I'm about kicking</b><b>the money taboo to the curb because it's</b><b>a huge taboo just like mental</b><b>health. We won't get on that</b><b>soapbox today. We'll stay on the money</b><b>soapbox. But money, I want to</b><b>kick money taboo to the curb.</b><b>And so I think it's important for people</b><b>to hear, right, where you started and</b><b>where you're at now,</b><b>because there's a huge transformation</b><b>that's come across. And I want my</b><b>listeners to realize that we</b><b>don't have to stay stuck in that cycle.</b><b>So my next question was,</b><b>what was it like with family?</b><b>Like, I know your brother's a financial</b><b>advisor, right? And like your mom and I</b><b>remember you telling me</b><b>that, you know, they would try to show</b><b>you things when you were trying to learn</b><b>it. But there was this,</b><b>I want to say disconnect. Right, right.</b><b>No, there was always, there was, it just</b><b>always seemed like</b><b>there was a disconnect.</b><b>My mom will even say today, you know,</b><b>she's like, Oh, all your life, like you</b><b>tried so hard, like</b><b>you try so hard to like</b><b>learn and understand it. My brother</b><b>always seemed to have an intuitive sense</b><b>about how to understand money.</b><b>I was, you know, somebody where if we got</b><b>like a 25 cent allowance, which is wild</b><b>to think that 25 cents</b><b>was, could get you something</b><b>back in the day, not long ago. I was</b><b>going to say, wait a minute, my kids</b><b>would be like, what am I</b><b>supposed to buy with this?</b><b>I know, it's a different time. But, you</b><b>know, my brother would save it. And I</b><b>would just be like, I'm</b><b>going to get some candy at 7-11.</b><b>So, you know, anyway, my my mom would</b><b>like try and give me tips and pointers,</b><b>and I would try to learn</b><b>that and show her my progress.</b><b>And, and my brother just, it was so</b><b>intuitive. So he, he has a CFO business</b><b>that they work with different kinds of</b><b>medium sized companies.</b><b>And, you know, you can certainly look up</b><b>more about that. But he, he just always</b><b>understood it. And I think, I think there</b><b>was just something deeply intuitive to</b><b>him about finances and money.</b><b>And, and in that way, it was just like,</b><b>it felt like we were really different</b><b>people. Like I had this more, I guess,</b><b>verbal or emotional</b><b>kind of understanding.</b><b>And he had this more financial</b><b>understanding. And of course, the amazing</b><b>thing now is, I think, a lot of credit to</b><b>the work you've done with me.</b><b>We now have gotten to a point of</b><b>realizing that he and I do the same</b><b>thing. We really do the same thing where</b><b>we are providing this, you know, high</b><b>level consultation to our clients.</b><b>And we are addressing some of the most</b><b>challenging topics, shame, stigma, fear,</b><b>things that can bring up so much</b><b>vulnerability, but to do it in a way that</b><b>gives people skill and illuminates their</b><b>understanding and helps</b><b>them live better lives.</b><b>And, you know, that, that's the magic,</b><b>right? And I feel like as a therapist or</b><b>as a consultant, that's always felt like</b><b>something where I feel</b><b>pretty confident doing that.</b><b>But not so with money. My brother, you</b><b>know, recognized that for years. And just</b><b>a few months ago, we were actually, I was</b><b>helping out at, he had a stand at one of</b><b>the, the MAPS</b><b>conference for his business.</b><b>He was like, wow, this is, it's amazing</b><b>to hear you talk about business decisions</b><b>and strategic investments and financial</b><b>forecasting with this level of ease that,</b><b>you know, even just how</b><b>you are making big decisions.</b><b>He's like, you have a level of</b><b>sophistication now that would not have</b><b>been possible a few years ago. He's like,</b><b>you've really transformed.</b><b>And, you know, of course, for me, I</b><b>admire the journey that he's made in his</b><b>own self work, in his own development</b><b>and, you know, being, you</b><b>know, doing so much amazing work.</b><b>So it's kind of like we've met in this</b><b>place of similarity, but we both had to</b><b>seek out the right supports to get there.</b><b>I could not teach my brother therapy,</b><b>right? And he could not teach me finance.</b><b>Right, right. Yeah. So talk about what</b><b>led you, because you</b><b>eventually hired people to help you.</b><b>And I remember that when you came to me</b><b>way back in, what did we determine, 2017?</b><b>Yes, 2017. Yes, yes, 2017. And I</b><b>remember, and I don't normally do this,</b><b>but for some reason I decided that I was</b><b>going to, you asked for it.</b><b>I think it was a trial basis. Yeah. And</b><b>tell us what led you to that. Like what</b><b>happened? What in the money sphere for</b><b>you calls that to happen?</b><b>Yeah. Well, this is, I don't know if I've</b><b>ever told you this. I nicknamed that</b><b>period of time in my life, like the</b><b>battle of the accountants, where I</b><b>imagined like this</b><b>like Colosseum of a man.</b><b>Colosseum of accountants. And I was</b><b>telling people, I'm like, all right, I'm</b><b>just going to get people into battle and</b><b>whoever emerges</b><b>victorious is the winner, right?</b><b>But the bottom line. And you didn't know</b><b>you were going to end up</b><b>with a CFO and a wealth coach.</b><b>No, no, no, I did not. I did not. When I</b><b>came to you, I mean, I can just picture</b><b>the email in my mind.</b><b>I was like so suspicious and so fearful</b><b>and so burned. And I felt so betrayed by</b><b>a lot of really bad advice or guidance. I</b><b>paid for my books, which I had paid</b><b>someone to maintain or</b><b>manage my books were a mess.</b><b>And I'd had, you know, different</b><b>accountants look at it and</b><b>confirm, yes, they're a mess.</b><b>I had errors with the IRS, with filings.</b><b>Everything was really it just felt like,</b><b>you know, I'd let the train totally</b><b>derail. And when I thought about it, it</b><b>was almost like there's a level of</b><b>attention that I wasn't paying to things</b><b>because I told myself</b><b>that I didn't know anything.</b><b>So I'm just going to, you know, trust</b><b>people. So I came at you like really</b><b>distrustful or I'm like, OK, I know you</b><b>don't offer this, but can we do 90 days</b><b>and no obligation to me</b><b>and we'll just do this.</b><b>And and I don't know. I don't know why</b><b>you took a chance to me because I came</b><b>in. I was like really skeptical. But you</b><b>want me to tell you what you want me to</b><b>tell you why? Yeah,</b><b>because you you offered a plan.</b><b>You didn't come to me and say, I don't</b><b>want to do this. I just want to do it.</b><b>Pay as you go and I'll make a decision.</b><b>You said, can we do a 90 day trial?</b><b>You are willing to sign a 90 day</b><b>agreement and we do a 90 day trial and</b><b>then we relook at it. So you</b><b>came with a plan and I'm right.</b><b>I'm like super, super big on plans. It's</b><b>the analytical brain. I can't help it.</b><b>And and the other thing is is I remember</b><b>you told me I have a</b><b>bookkeeper and I said, that's fine.</b><b>I'm not a bookkeeper. If you have a</b><b>bookkeeper, I still need access to your</b><b>books. What I do is I do money coaching,</b><b>wealth coaching and I'm a fractional CFO.</b><b>So I merged those two together because I</b><b>believe money mindset and money</b><b>management go hand in hand and you were</b><b>like, OK, look, I've been</b><b>burned. Can we do 90 day trial?</b><b>Yeah. And I was like, because we met and</b><b>then you emailed me. We met and I told</b><b>you my my thing and then you emailed me.</b><b>And so literally you took the lesson. You</b><b>took the 24 hours thing about and you</b><b>emailed me with your your thing. And</b><b>that's the reason why I said yes, because</b><b>you had explained that you'd been burned.</b><b>Right. You weren't trying to take</b><b>advantage. You were trying to ease your</b><b>nervous system. And you came with a OK, I</b><b>know this isn't a plan</b><b>you normally do. Right.</b><b>Right. You know, would you be willing to</b><b>do this unless we look at it now? Can you</b><b>tell everybody what</b><b>happens 60 days after?</b><b>Because I mean, go 90 days.</b><b>Well, like I so like now it feels so feel</b><b>so far. I am pretty sure. OK. Now I'm</b><b>looking back and I'm like, yes, I came. I</b><b>came to you with a plan because as a</b><b>fellow professional, right?</b><b>Because I do see you as a consultant. I</b><b>never want to waste someone's time or</b><b>energy. Here's the other thing. I just I</b><b>just want to kind of go back to this</b><b>because it's so common</b><b>in the field of therapy.</b><b>There are there just a lot of people in</b><b>my profession where we're selling</b><b>nonsense. Right. And so I think that's</b><b>part of why I nonsense kinds of coaching.</b><b>And I don't want to disrespect. I know</b><b>lots of amazing coaches who are</b><b>therapists. But I think that was another</b><b>thing that I respect people's expertise.</b><b>And and I was like, you know, like I was</b><b>just I was not trusting myself and and</b><b>and, you know, but wanting</b><b>to trust someone. So, yeah.</b><b>Now, the way I remember it, 60 days in is</b><b>I'm pretty sure I fired my other</b><b>accountant and we were moving</b><b>to another arrangement, but.</b><b>Yeah, your book, your bookkeeper, who was</b><b>the one that had fixed a lot of things</b><b>and you had trusted and you were that</b><b>you'd let go of the other accountant.</b><b>We were when I was looking at the books</b><b>to go over your numbers and look at the</b><b>stuff, we were finding that there were</b><b>things that were</b><b>misclassified and we were having fix.</b><b>And I said, you know, I said, I'm not</b><b>going to do it. I just want to bring this</b><b>to your attention because he had told you</b><b>a couple of times that he</b><b>was doing a couple of things.</b><b>And you had told me and I brought it to</b><b>your attention. And I'm not doing that to</b><b>call anyone out. My my point of that is,</b><b>is that when we started and we built and</b><b>you could tell people we</b><b>built your own money roadmap.</b><b>We built you a personalized for your</b><b>business money roadmap.</b><b>And I talk about this a lot.</b><b>I think traditional budgeting doesn't</b><b>work, which is what I told Sarah. I</b><b>believe that you should have a money</b><b>roadmap that is built specifically for</b><b>you, your business and your lifestyle.</b><b>And when we were doing that in the</b><b>process of doing that and setting up the</b><b>what I call those virtual buckets, you</b><b>got really excited because I remember</b><b>because it made sense to you.</b><b>We were like, OK, this I can do. This</b><b>makes sense. And we we did. We started</b><b>off with a new a new agreement. Now, can</b><b>you share what was that like?</b><b>I remember what happened, I think, within</b><b>60 days after us doing</b><b>that. You went and saw.</b><b>You went, by the way, yes, I'm going to</b><b>sign a six month agreement with you. Oh,</b><b>and we're moving into a bigger office.</b><b>Yeah, I signed a seven year massive lease</b><b>to rent commercial real estate in prime</b><b>Chicago downtown property. And yeah, and</b><b>I said, I've got a massive lease.</b><b>I have to put down a twenty thousand</b><b>dollar security deposit. I'm borrowing</b><b>that money and I don't know how we're</b><b>going to fund the rental.</b><b>But that's not on you. This is what we're</b><b>doing now. Right. And and and then this</b><b>is right where I remember you took a look</b><b>at everything and you said</b><b>this is going to be tough.</b><b>There are many times where it's really</b><b>tough. You're going to like question if</b><b>you can go on, but we're</b><b>going to get through it.</b><b>And, you know, eight months from now, you</b><b>look back and there will be a pathway.</b><b>And I remember I warned you that there</b><b>were going something was going to like</b><b>something was going to pop up just when</b><b>you thought it was going good.</b><b>It was going to pop up and it was going</b><b>to get tight. It was going to get really</b><b>tight. And but then I reminded you that</b><b>that's what my OSHA calls were for.</b><b>Right. Right. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Now,</b><b>it was I mean, the timing of of you</b><b>getting, you know, becoming really like a</b><b>partner in our business was so good</b><b>because I mean, some people</b><b>might look at it as like, wow,</b><b>I suddenly had taken on just with the</b><b>lease alone, not not furnishing, but just</b><b>lease obligation, thousands of dollars a</b><b>month and additional costs.</b><b>And and, you know, I was investing not</b><b>just in a 90 day trial with you, but like</b><b>a very serious let's go all in, you know,</b><b>on money coaching, fractional CFO, all</b><b>the services, the whole suite.</b><b>And, you know, I can tell you, like, I</b><b>can think of so many ways that I have</b><b>wasted money in my life, but not a single</b><b>penny was wasted in that guidance,</b><b>starting from that point, because now,</b><b>right, we're at the we're at the</b><b>conclusion of this seven year lease.</b><b>And my business, it not only exists, but</b><b>you know, it's on the map in a way that</b><b>would have been</b><b>unfathomable to me back in 2017. Right.</b><b>And at the end of the day, numbers are</b><b>the engine that, you know, shows the</b><b>stewardship, it drives everything. It's</b><b>it's so, so vital. And I guess, you know,</b><b>I went from kind of</b><b>seeing money as this, like,</b><b>inconvenient thing that I have to think</b><b>about sometimes and deal with, you know,</b><b>as a cost of doing business to, you know,</b><b>being a key to, like, really</b><b>understanding what's happening with the</b><b>business and how to resource different</b><b>initiatives and, and having fun with it.</b><b>And having fun with it. I never thought</b><b>that I would have fun thinking about big</b><b>numbers or talking about things or even</b><b>like, I mean, right, it's a it's just</b><b>it's wild to think about how I went from</b><b>being like very, very frightened to even</b><b>think of a single bill to being able to</b><b>look at, you know, some like big</b><b>decisions and have fun playing with the</b><b>ways that we could approach it, you know.</b><b>Yeah, because and that's what I was gonna</b><b>ask you is like, how, how do you feel now</b><b>compared when it comes to money, compared</b><b>to where you were when, you know, in</b><b>2017, even or to, you know, even even now</b><b>compared to like 2018, when, you know,</b><b>you basically started almost over,</b><b>because you you did a you did</b><b>a clean up is what I call it.</b><b>Right. Yeah. Right. You did a cleanup.</b><b>Yeah. I mean, really, yeah, you joined us</b><b>at a point when the business as an</b><b>employee based business because now you</b><b>know, we've got 17 therapists and, you</b><b>know, all these different, you know,</b><b>projects that we do with the</b><b>Chicago area and beyond, right.</b><b>I mean, it's, it's, it's way bigger than</b><b>I thought it would be back then. But, but</b><b>yeah, when I think about how money was,</b><b>it's like, I, I think I was the kind of</b><b>person where I didn't want to think about</b><b>money, but I would be logging into my</b><b>business bank account to look at it and</b><b>check it multiple times per day.</b><b>Like, I felt like that was like a healthy</b><b>behavior, or it was a way to stay</b><b>informed. And, um, but you were stressed,</b><b>you were stressing yourself out, do</b><b>stressing myself out, right. Because I</b><b>had this idea that that would</b><b>help me be more aware somehow.</b><b>And, um, and, you know, there are</b><b>definitely some, there are definitely</b><b>some things you have me do. I appreciate</b><b>as a behaviorist that, um, that I found</b><b>challenging and you'd say, no, this is</b><b>actually good for you. And I would be</b><b>like, all right, I'm going to accept that</b><b>because this feels really uncomfortable.</b><b>And I know this is probably good for me,</b><b>right? So like times where you would say,</b><b>wow, um, like when first started working</b><b>with you and you're like, okay, how much</b><b>are you paying yourself? And I'm like,</b><b>oh, nothing. And you're like, okay, uh,</b><b>you've got to pay yourself something.</b><b>And I'm like, well, I'll just, you know,</b><b>$50 here or there. I mean, that's, I</b><b>really, I mean, I feel embarrassed to say</b><b>that now, but that really was how I was</b><b>living where I'm like, well, once the</b><b>business is perfect, then I can like pay</b><b>myself, which again is like, and I, and I</b><b>love that you said that because the fact</b><b>that you said when the business gets to,</b><b>cause I think that's the mistake that so</b><b>many of us make, including me.</b><b>When the business gets where it, I want</b><b>it where it's perfect, I'll then start</b><b>paying myself. And the problem with this</b><b>is, or the issue with this is as</b><b>entrepreneurs, the business doesn't ever</b><b>get to where it's perfect because we're</b><b>going to constant work.</b><b>We're constantly changing it and we're up</b><b>leveling and no offense, but shit</b><b>happens. Life happens. And if you</b><b>wouldn't have started paying yourself</b><b>before less, well, let's just</b><b>bring it up. COVID happened.</b><b>Yeah, right. Right.</b><b>You know, and everyone has to realize</b><b>that we can't wait for it to be perfect</b><b>for us to start paying ourselves. Right.</b><b>So I want to ask you a question because.</b><b>Will you say that, do you consider</b><b>yourself more empowered now with your</b><b>money versus then? Like when you look at</b><b>your bank account now, does it stress you</b><b>out as much or as, yeah, as much as it</b><b>did before? And do you feel more</b><b>empowered or what's different?</b><b>Oh, I mean, I feel way more empowered and</b><b>the striking difference was so this year,</b><b>actually my husband and I</b><b>bought our first house and.</b><b>I was going to ask you how it affected</b><b>your personal life too.</b><b>Yeah, well, right. Yeah. Pre working with</b><b>you, right. My husband and I were in</b><b>financial couples counseling because</b><b>yeah, I not paying myself had an effect</b><b>on our marriage. Right. It had an effect</b><b>on our well-being. It had an effect on,</b><b>you know, my sanity, to be honest.</b><b>Well, and both of you.</b><b>Here's the thing. We as humans,</b><b>especially women, aren't taught to talk</b><b>about money and men will talk about it a</b><b>certain way. And then when you put a man</b><b>and a woman to talk about it, we end up</b><b>beating heads most of the time. Right.</b><b>And that becomes an issue. And when you</b><b>were telling me, you know, my husband and</b><b>I were in, we're in financial counseling</b><b>because we need to learn how to talk</b><b>about money and we're doing this. And one</b><b>of the things that we would discuss is,</b><b>is your mindset around it so that you</b><b>could go in and come from a different</b><b>perspective because I was like, okay,</b><b>well, Sarah, one,</b><b>you're not paying yourself.</b><b>And two, in order for the conversation to</b><b>change your mindset has to flip.</b><b>Oh my gosh. It's so true because, because</b><b>I had this, you know, mistaken belief</b><b>from childhood that, you know, being</b><b>fearful and stressed out about money is a</b><b>sign of love. I would approach Jack by</b><b>being like, oh my gosh, what are we going</b><b>to do about this or this bill?</b><b>Which, you know, that's not like, that's</b><b>not a very relaxing way to start a</b><b>conversation, right? But no, so, you</b><b>know, we were able to buy a house that</b><b>was the right place at the right time and</b><b>to really execute on that decision.</b><b>Despite, I think, you know, even some</b><b>fears that he had about, you know, can we</b><b>do it? Does it make sense? Because the</b><b>same things that you taught me to do with</b><b>the business, I was doing with our</b><b>personal finances too.</b><b>And to be honest, I went from being like</b><b>this, like scared, worried, I don't know,</b><b>what are we going to do to, you know, I</b><b>do our taxes, I do our financial</b><b>accounting, benefits,</b><b>elections, all that stuff.</b><b>And, you know, and he gets our groceries</b><b>and cooks a lot of our dinners, I can</b><b>smell them cooking dinner right now. And</b><b>it's wonderful, right? But I can talk</b><b>with him in that calm, organized,</b><b>reasonable way that I'd like to imagine</b><b>I'd talk to my clients, you know,</b><b>therapeutically or organizationally,</b><b>because I actually can look at numbers</b><b>without seeing them as a personal attack,</b><b>see those information that I can use. And</b><b>it's just so interesting, Lisa, because</b><b>you mentioned how my group does this,</b><b>like, recovery informed work in so many</b><b>areas that are stigmatized, but I really</b><b>built my own personal brand around</b><b>helping men moderate their drinking, who</b><b>are having problem drinking.</b><b>And there's so much shame and so much</b><b>fear that people have when it comes to</b><b>drinking and that men have when it comes</b><b>to talking to a therapist and then</b><b>combine that with drinking.</b><b>And it's this whole thing.</b><b>And I found it really easy to create</b><b>this, like very, you know, I still do</b><b>this very safe space to like, look at the</b><b>numbers and think about it and think</b><b>about strategies. And that's definitely</b><b>it's the same thing that you do with me.</b><b>And I was coming from that place of, you</b><b>know, just like a lot of my men were</b><b>there, like, I don't think I need to go</b><b>to rehab, but I need something and I need</b><b>and I don't really know what it is. And</b><b>it's just it's so nice to have a partner</b><b>and change who can be</b><b>like, let me take a look.</b><b>Let's break it down. And unlike my other</b><b>bad advisors in the past, you weren't</b><b>trying to dress up or</b><b>hide tough realities.</b><b>I basically told you what I was going to</b><b>say. That's the sassy part. And I respect</b><b>that. I respect people who can say, hey,</b><b>here's what's going on because business</b><b>owners, we don't have time</b><b>for people to be damaged.</b><b>We don't have time for people to be</b><b>dancing around realities or trying to. We</b><b>do not want people</b><b>hiding tough realities. Right.</b><b>I remember when you first hired when she</b><b>first started, you told me there's</b><b>nothing wrong with my mindset. I just</b><b>don't trust anyone. And I was like, okay.</b><b>And then we got to talking and I went,</b><b>nothing wrong with your mindset.</b><b>I was like, and then I remember when we</b><b>were talking about like, you know, the</b><b>spending, like where was certain things</b><b>going and we were looking at it and I</b><b>remember looking at it and I was like,</b><b>OK, I'm just going to have to tell her.</b><b>And you know what? I don't know if she's</b><b>going to fire me or not because I knew I</b><b>wasn't going to like pussyfoot around,</b><b>right? I wasn't going to tiptoe. Right.</b><b>And and I say that, but I come from I</b><b>always come from love. I always say it</b><b>with love. But you're right. I didn't</b><b>hide it. I said, Sarah, this is what I'm</b><b>seeing. This is where your money's going.</b><b>And you need to make it stop.</b><b>Yep. You know, you've got people doing</b><b>this and this. And this is where one of</b><b>your other money leaks are. You've got to</b><b>you've got to make it stop.</b><b>And I mean, that's what that's what</b><b>somebody wants, though. Right. Like I</b><b>want someone who is saying, hey, you</b><b>know, check the engine. Here's the thing.</b><b>Right. And now I mean that I trust people</b><b>who can tell me the tough realities.</b><b>And that's one of the hardest things for</b><b>us to get when we're in right leadership</b><b>positions, running our own businesses is</b><b>to get honest feedback</b><b>from anyone, you know.</b><b>Well, and I also think it's really hard</b><b>because, you know, when you're in a dire</b><b>state or when you're in a rough spot and</b><b>you don't have a lot of money investing,</b><b>a lot of money to</b><b>invest in help or whatever.</b><b>And I remember you telling me, and I was</b><b>I think it was a couple of years ago. So</b><b>it was in our five year mark that, you</b><b>know, you said I</b><b>didn't have a lot of money.</b><b>I didn't have a lot of trust. And I still</b><b>invested. And that's really important</b><b>because it was time to invest in someone</b><b>that would actually have my back.</b><b>And I think that's really important,</b><b>whether it's a wealth coach or a</b><b>therapist or a business coach or a</b><b>marketing, whatever it may be.</b><b>I think it's really important to honestly</b><b>sit and think about it and go, OK, this</b><b>will cost me this now. And what would my</b><b>outcome be if I don't wait?</b><b>Right. Or what would my outcome be if I</b><b>do wait? And, you know, I believe that</b><b>your outcome is so much</b><b>better because you didn't wait.</b><b>And I'm not tooting my own horn on that.</b><b>I'm just I'm saying because was it all.</b><b>And for everyone from my sassy friends</b><b>out there, was it all better roses the</b><b>last seven years that</b><b>we've worked together?</b><b>I know. But right. That's and I'm glad</b><b>that you are using the the accurate term</b><b>CFO because that's the thing is you've</b><b>been in the C suite with me. Right.</b><b>And when you get into the executive</b><b>suite, it's not all like, oh,</b><b>everything's just like that's it's that's</b><b>real. It's not all roses. Right.</b><b>We're looking at real big things. But I</b><b>think, you know, again, I don't have any</b><b>regrets about the decision</b><b>that I made to bring you on.</b><b>I think, you know, whenever somebody's</b><b>like wondering about whether or not it's</b><b>worth it to bring in a CFO or a wealth</b><b>advisor, I think I had the same kind of</b><b>idea that, oh, well, that's someone who</b><b>tells me that I can spend five hundred</b><b>dollars on Facebook ads.</b><b>I spent too much here or asks for W nine</b><b>and where they just file some expenses.</b><b>And that's that's not</b><b>what it is at all. Right.</b><b>It's like we spend a lot of time doing</b><b>strategic operational thinking that</b><b>informs like major decisions. Like I can</b><b>think of the major decision points in the</b><b>life of the business</b><b>over the past seven years.</b><b>And you've been involved in every single</b><b>point. I see you smiling, but I'm like,</b><b>it's, you know, for me, it's a really</b><b>strange thing to say out loud because</b><b>when I brought you on, I didn't think I</b><b>didn't think like, oh, yeah, that'll be</b><b>we'll be in this, you know, like</b><b>executive partnership together.</b><b>I used to. I used to. You did. You did.</b><b>Since I was having since I just had a</b><b>trust problem, you had a huge trust</b><b>problem. And then you were like, okay,</b><b>I'm going to take the chance.</b><b>But you were still that nervous system</b><b>was still there. Right. Yeah. And I was</b><b>like, okay, we're going to have to do</b><b>baby steps and we're going to have to</b><b>ease her in. And so I eased you in.</b><b>And, you know, and I think it's really</b><b>important that, you know, when you hire a</b><b>coach or a therapist or, you know, an</b><b>advisor, anybody that there's someone</b><b>who's going to get you right.</b><b>And who's going to take the time to know</b><b>you and your business and your lifestyle.</b><b>And when I first met her, she was living</b><b>in Chicago a year ago. It's not been</b><b>quite a year. She informed me she was</b><b>moving somewhere even colder.</b><b>And I told her she lost her mind. I also</b><b>remember, was it before COVID or after</b><b>COVID that you text me panicking?</b><b>Because all of us down here in the south</b><b>and the east coast were experiencing and</b><b>I think it was a couple of years ago, we</b><b>had these big, huge, major hurricanes.</b><b>And they were popping up everywhere. And</b><b>I laugh about it because she texts me and</b><b>she goes, oh my gosh, are you okay? You</b><b>know, I just I need to pick you up and</b><b>just move you Midwest.</b><b>And my comment was, no. I was like,</b><b>there's only one issue with that. And she</b><b>said, what? And I said, you get snow and</b><b>you get a lot of snow. I'll take the</b><b>hurricane and the tornadoes. Thank you.</b><b>And it was, it was a really bad storm.</b><b>The winds were, you know, this year we've</b><b>had a couple, but they weren't nearly as</b><b>bad as what you had had you'd seen that</b><b>year. And it's like it takes turns.</b><b>But the point is, is we, we got to know</b><b>each other, right? So much so that she</b><b>was realizing that something was</b><b>happening on my end of the world, just</b><b>like when something's</b><b>happening over there.</b><b>The one year y'all got like tons of</b><b>frickin' snow in Chicago. And I'm like,</b><b>okay, I know y'all are used to snow, but</b><b>this looks like a blizzard, you know. And</b><b>I text you and I was like, okay, are</b><b>y'all okay? You know?</b><b>Because again, that's the point is you</b><b>want someone who cares about you, your</b><b>business and your lifestyle. And when she</b><b>told me she was moving, again, we, I</b><b>immediately went into strategic strategic</b><b>planning mode with her.</b><b>And I said, okay, we need to plan, right?</b><b>She said, yes. These are the things that</b><b>I'm thinking of. These are the issues I'm</b><b>having. What can we do? And</b><b>we sat down and we planned.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And because we did that, it made the move</b><b>a lot less stressful and a lot more</b><b>seamless so that you and</b><b>your husband could buy a house.</b><b>Yes. No, I mean, I, again, it was, it was</b><b>really just so surprising to experience</b><b>how smooth all that was because, you</b><b>know, I was not looking forward to an out</b><b>of state move. And, you know, it was kind</b><b>of dreading all of it. And</b><b>it ended up being wonderful.</b><b>But I think it says a lot that I don't</b><b>know if you've ever in any of our calls,</b><b>like video calls, like seen Jack or</b><b>talked to him or said hi. I don't even</b><b>know if he's passed in the background.</b><b>I actually think one time you did. You</b><b>had him before y'all moved. You had him</b><b>come in and say hi to me so that I could</b><b>be introduced because I think it was</b><b>during the time y'all were</b><b>doing some of the counseling.</b><b>And I don't remember what it was I said,</b><b>but I'd given you some advice and you're</b><b>like, oh my gosh, you're right. Okay. I</b><b>need to come from this. And when you did</b><b>that, and he said, wait a minute. And you</b><b>were like, he was like, wait a minute.</b><b>Where'd I come from? And he was like, my</b><b>wealth coach, my chief</b><b>financial officer. Yeah.</b><b>She was talking in this and he goes and</b><b>he got, and you were like, you know what,</b><b>you need to meet her.</b><b>Seriously. Well, I mean, it says a lot</b><b>that yes, there's that one time, but Jack</b><b>loves you. Like he, you know, he</b><b>attributes significant improvements in my</b><b>confidence in my well being and just even</b><b>like, he'll look back and think like, oh</b><b>man, I like, I remember how chaotic, you</b><b>know, your approach was to business.</b><b>And he's like, now you talk about these</b><b>decisions and it's like really informed.</b><b>And, you know, I think it's, it's just,</b><b>it's very reassuring to him. But I think</b><b>that says a lot, you know, that he knows</b><b>the impact that you've had.</b><b>And, and it's seen that with our team</b><b>too. I mean, I don't think anyone on my</b><b>team has ever gotten to like meet you in</b><b>person or talk to you for</b><b>a prolonged period of time.</b><b>But people know how important your</b><b>guidance is and they'll say, oh yeah,</b><b>well, you know, like, what would Lisa</b><b>think about this? Or I'll say, oh yeah,</b><b>Lisa said we did a great job with this.</b><b>And they'll say, wow,</b><b>that's, that's amazing.</b><b>And if I give like an affirmation,</b><b>they're so happy because they know that</b><b>you are keeping it real, you know, and,</b><b>and they really respect how we've been</b><b>able to flourish and grow. And even how</b><b>you were there for our whole team.</b><b>And I don't, it's late at night. I'm</b><b>like, I don't want to tear up thinking</b><b>about this, but I just think about how</b><b>you were there for my team in 2020 when</b><b>we were going through, you</b><b>know, just a huge upheaval.</b><b>And at the time, every one of my staff</b><b>was a person of color and we all were</b><b>just maxed out with what was happening</b><b>with George Floyd in summer 2020.</b><b>And I remember reaching out and saying,</b><b>hey, like, how much can we pay everybody</b><b>to just have a week where we don't have</b><b>to come into work and we can just have</b><b>one meeting and check in with each other.</b><b>And you were like, I'll do the math right</b><b>now. And you had that figure to me in, I</b><b>think I had that figure to you in a</b><b>couple of hours because I was going to</b><b>say my memory was like 10 minutes.</b><b>And we talked with my team.</b><b>Y'all had been working nonstop, doing the</b><b>virtual. Y'all been going, I mean, just</b><b>nonstop because of course your niche, you</b><b>had so many people who all of a sudden</b><b>couldn't go out</b><b>anywhere, couldn't do anything.</b><b>And they were going to go back to those</b><b>bad habits. And y'all were just, you were</b><b>burnt out. We were nowhere near the end.</b><b>And then you add George Floyd to the top</b><b>of that and y'all all were feeling it.</b><b>And you emailed, I think</b><b>you actually texted me.</b><b>I think I texted you because it was like,</b><b>well, I was just in a</b><b>Google chat with my team.</b><b>And you said, you know, hey, look, I know</b><b>it's the middle of the</b><b>day. What do you think?</b><b>And I said, I'll run the numbers right</b><b>now. Give me a few minutes. And I think I</b><b>did. I think it was within 15 minutes</b><b>that I got back to you.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, and it's like,</b><b>and to this day, that was one of the</b><b>defining aspects of</b><b>the culture of our group.</b><b>And you have been so patient and kind</b><b>with me with other things where I'll be</b><b>like, oh, I want to be</b><b>generous in this kind of way.</b><b>We're like, okay, this past, you know,</b><b>like Juneteenth, I'm like, let's give</b><b>everybody the holiday and</b><b>let's implement PTO in advance.</b><b>And I think I want to do it. I've already</b><b>made the announcement. You're like, okay,</b><b>well, I'll figure out</b><b>how to incorporate that.</b><b>And you still, you keep my feet planted</b><b>on the ground with how to make it work.</b><b>And I just, I really appreciate that</b><b>about you, that you</b><b>accept what's important to me.</b><b>You know, even if it might not</b><b>necessarily be how you would personally</b><b>go about with the business, you really</b><b>take time to understand how I want to</b><b>create a culture and a company and what's</b><b>important to my team.</b><b>And yeah, I mean, that really was, that</b><b>was the thing that really synced it all</b><b>up for our team and our whole identity.</b><b>And again, you were</b><b>at the center of that.</b><b>And I could go to my team and say, hey,</b><b>look, again, everybody's clinicians of</b><b>color. I'm like, our amazing white</b><b>accountant, who is our CFO, is setting</b><b>aside this fund for us so that we can</b><b>take a week and we can just like, you know, connect it to the team.</b><b>We called it a Mental Health Week. Y'all</b><b>could connect with each other and you</b><b>could just disconnect from everything</b><b>else. We decided we were giving everyone</b><b>a paid Mental Health</b><b>Week is what we were doing.</b><b>And I honestly, I--</b><b>And I hope staff appreciated that. Yeah.</b><b>And I also believe, though, that that's</b><b>what helped y'all get through the rest of</b><b>2020 because it was just hitting your</b><b>staff really hard. And I think it's also</b><b>important that, you know, not only are</b><b>you wanting to make a difference in other</b><b>people's lives that way, but you speak on</b><b>stages and you write things like you</b><b>write things to get y'all.</b><b>She gets grants, okay? She has grants</b><b>awarded to her. Like, I've actually told</b><b>her that I'm in awe of she can--the stuff</b><b>that she writes is amazing. And she</b><b>is--she is so--how passionate I am about</b><b>money taboo and mental health taboo</b><b>because I do have a daughter who has</b><b>mental health disorder.</b><b>She is just as passionate about system</b><b>racism and the mental health that she</b><b>goes and talks on stages, right? And I</b><b>mean, she gets big wigs to change how</b><b>they're doing things. And she downplays</b><b>it. And I just think it's really</b><b>important that a lot of the work that</b><b>you've done with your money and your</b><b>money mindset has been</b><b>able to lead you to--</b><b>To be able to get these grants and get on</b><b>these stages so that you can make the</b><b>impact that you want to make. Because</b><b>when I started working with you in 2017,</b><b>that wasn't something you--you always</b><b>wanted to do something about it, but</b><b>you'd never really saw that you were</b><b>going to be on stage</b><b>making those kinds of impact.</b><b>Right. Well, right. Because as long as</b><b>there's this huge area of like fear and</b><b>shame and, you know, feeling ignorant or</b><b>feeling like a fraud, right? I couldn't</b><b>put myself out there to talk about like a</b><b>third real issue like racism, right?</b><b>And now I can go on stage and I can talk</b><b>about things that, you know, are very</b><b>affecting for people. And it is really</b><b>important to me to use the platform that</b><b>I have to advocate for the world that I</b><b>want, you know, my nieces and their</b><b>children and their children's</b><b>children to be able to live in.</b><b>But I wasn't able to do that when I had</b><b>all that fear and contraction to protect</b><b>or that I wasn't ready to deal with. And</b><b>yeah, it's kind of like, well, if I can</b><b>be authentically myself, if there's</b><b>nothing for me to hide, then I can go on</b><b>a stage and talk with</b><b>anyone about anything, you know?</b><b>So yeah, it's really interesting how I</b><b>think for a long time, you know, I just</b><b>thought of, you know, money and finances</b><b>as something kind of separate for me for</b><b>someone else to think about somewhere</b><b>else. And I think a lot of us</b><b>unconsciously do that.</b><b>And I didn't realize that the feeling of</b><b>like increasing mastery and understanding</b><b>would be enjoyable, that it would</b><b>actually make me feel a</b><b>great sense of enjoyment.</b><b>Like, I don't obsessively go into, you</b><b>know, my business bank account anymore, I</b><b>can go into QuickBooks and, you know, run</b><b>a P&L and understand that and run a</b><b>comparative analysis. And I, you know,</b><b>can pull my own like tables of things</b><b>and, you know, different financial</b><b>forecasting and, and actually have fun</b><b>with that and then make slides about it.</b><b>I mean, again, I never would have</b><b>pictured that I would feel comfortable</b><b>doing something like that a long time</b><b>ago, but yeah. Yeah. So I don't know, I</b><b>guess this is like, I know it's kind of</b><b>like a love fest, but I'm like really</b><b>glad to, you know, have the, have the</b><b>chance to like be</b><b>your first guest on this.</b><b>And then also I just think there's so</b><b>many people, there's so many people like</b><b>me, right? Where I had a dream and a</b><b>vision and anywhere I go, I walk into</b><b>your room and I look confident.</b><b>People say I come across as having some</b><b>authority. It seems like I know what I'm</b><b>doing, but I had this one thing that I</b><b>felt like I just didn't know anything</b><b>about with money. That</b><b>was like my big secret.</b><b>And I, and I just didn't even know how to</b><b>get started with it. Right. And I think</b><b>there's just so many people out there</b><b>where that's like, it's like this key</b><b>that can unlock the full potential of our</b><b>business vision. But we, we just have to</b><b>have that partner in change who can see</b><b>that vision with us and like be that</b><b>co-conspirator like you. You're a badass</b><b>co-conspirator in change.</b><b>All right. We're going to wrap up. And so</b><b>I think from that, what I want my sassy</b><b>friends to take away from it is I know</b><b>personally how hard it can be to ask for</b><b>help and I know Sarah knows as well. And,</b><b>and I want to encourage you that if</b><b>you're feeling stock, whoever it is,</b><b>whatever, in your business, if you're a business owner, you just have to be able to say things like, Oh, you know what, I'm going to have to just sit there and have a conversation with you and I'm going to have to come up with some of my friends.</b><b>whatever in your business, personal</b><b>finances, business</b><b>finances, marketing, whatever it is.</b><b>I promise you the best way to get unstuck</b><b>is to ask for help</b><b>because there are people who</b><b>are good at it and having a partner in</b><b>crime. Change a co-conspirator.</b><b>Because we are right in the</b><b>crime of living our dreams.</b><b>Exactly. To have a co-conspirator to see</b><b>your vision and then be</b><b>able to help you get there,</b><b>you're going to get there faster. So as</b><b>we sign off, I'm going to</b><b>also say that if you are ever</b><b>looking for a speaker, I'm going to get</b><b>her website from you.</b><b>I'm going to make sure it's</b><b>in the show notes. Y'all go check her out</b><b>because she is an awesome, awesome</b><b>speaker because I've</b><b>actually seen it because she sent me a</b><b>recording of one that she did</b><b>and she's amazing. And thank</b><b>you, thank you, thank you for coming on</b><b>the show and sharing your</b><b>story and sharing and being</b><b>vulnerable about your journey because</b><b>this is what Cash In SaaS</b><b>is all about. It's us being</b><b>vulnerable and talking all things money.</b><b>So until next time, see</b><b>y'all later. Thank you.</b><b>Thanks for joining us this week on Cash</b><b>In SaaS. Check us out on</b><b>social media and on our website</b><b>at where you can</b><b>download my free Money Story</b><b>Start Guide. The website again</b><b>is And as</b><b>always, subscribe to the</b><b>show to catch every new episode</b><b>and leave us a review so we can continue</b><b>to bring you fresh content. And remember,</b><b>yes, it is possible to have sassy and</b><b>sexy money. See you next week.</b>