Cash & Sass

LOVE and MONEY Living Debt free with guest Kimberly Graham

Lisa Marie Robinson Episode 4

In this episode of the "Cash and Sass" podcast, host Lisa Marie and guest Kimberly Graham, both financial coaches, share their personal financial struggles and triumphs, emphasizing the importance of communication in couples' financial planning.  They discuss aligning core values, creating a shared financial roadmap, and the impact of personal money beliefs. Kimberly introduces a "two questions before bed" practice to foster open money discussions and shares a case study to highlight the influence of background on financial priorities. The conversation also explores the role of money archetypes in understanding spending behaviors. 

  • Importance of communication in relationships about money
  • Impact of personal money beliefs on financial planning
  • Need for couples to align core values and create a shared money roadmap
  • Approaching financial discussions without triggering conflict
  • Creating a safe space for conversations about money within a relationship
  • Addressing underlying beliefs and truths ingrained over the years
  • Impact of personal money beliefs on financial decision-making
  • Balancing individual beliefs and finding common ground in money management
  • Understanding one's money beliefs and communication style
  • Empowering women to take control of their finances

As a dynamic speaker and educator (wife & mom), Kim shares her wealth-building strategies with audiences worldwide. Her engaging talks are a blend of real-world experiences, practical insights, humor and actionable steps that resonate with anyone looking to take control of their financial destiny.

Check out Kimberly and Dan and take their free money quiz!


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The Sassy Wealth Coach™

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<b>[Music]</b><b>You're listening to Cash and Sass. I'm</b><b>Lisa Marie, your go-to</b><b>gal for all things money.</b><b>As the Sassy Wealth Queen and the brains</b><b>behind the Sassy Wealth Coach,</b><b>I'm here to take you on a thrilling ride</b><b>from the financial chaos</b><b>to Sassy and sexy money.</b><b>Hey, my Sassy friend, welcome back to</b><b>Cash and Sass podcast.</b><b>And today I have my friend</b><b>and another financial money coach in the</b><b>realm who, by the way, I have to say,</b><b>we had a coffee chat the other day and I</b><b>was so excited. She got as</b><b>excited about multiple savings</b><b>accounts as I do. And I didn't think that</b><b>was possible, but we were</b><b>like ranking right up there</b><b>with all the excitement over it. So I am</b><b>super, super stoked to</b><b>have her on my podcast today.</b><b>So without further ado, let me introduce</b><b>Kimberly Graham. She's a</b><b>dynamic speaker and educator,</b><b>wife and mom. Kim shares her wealth</b><b>building strategies with audiences</b><b>worldwide. Her engaging</b><b>talks are a blend of world, excuse me,</b><b>real world experiences.</b><b>That was a tongue twister.</b><b>Practical insights, humor and actionable</b><b>steps that resonate with</b><b>anyone looking to take control</b><b>of their financial destiny. And one of</b><b>the things that I,</b><b>excuse me, absolutely love</b><b>is the fact that you and your husband</b><b>work together as a financial</b><b>coaching team, working with</b><b>couples on communicating about, hello, my</b><b>favorite topic in the whole world.</b><b>Hello, right?</b><b>Which, hello. And it's such a taboo</b><b>subject. So tell me what</b><b>got you into that? What,</b><b>what are, where's something from your</b><b>money journey mistakes that</b><b>you might've happened that.</b><b>Yeah. Well, first of all, thank you so</b><b>much for inviting me and for, you know,</b><b>for opening the space. I love open</b><b>conversations around money</b><b>because let me just say there,</b><b>there's so many people who love to, we</b><b>talked about this at our</b><b>coffee chat. There's so many</b><b>people that love to talk about these are</b><b>the things that you</b><b>should do with money. And this</b><b>is what money could do for you. And okay,</b><b>we know that, but nobody</b><b>wants to talk about the journey</b><b>of getting there. Like it sucks</b><b>sometimes. And it's important for us to</b><b>share those stories about</b><b>how, yeah, we're excited. We're on this</b><b>side, but it took a lot of</b><b>work to get here. And there are</b><b>moments even now where money sucks. And</b><b>it's important for us to</b><b>not make it such a taboo</b><b>subject. But also talk about how much we</b><b>love working with our</b><b>money and how much money can be</b><b>a joy. And it can be a bridge to the</b><b>things that we desire for</b><b>our life and our family.</b><b>So to answer your question, my husband</b><b>and I had $76,000 of student</b><b>loan debt that was not mine.</b><b>Okay. I always make sure like we're</b><b>making that more known now.</b><b>I mean, I told people before,</b><b>but I was like, I don't want him to feel,</b><b>you know, whatever he does</b><b>not care. He says it all. No,</b><b>this was not her debt. This was my debt.</b><b>So he had $76,000 of student loan debt.</b><b>That could not be consolidated. And it</b><b>was a lot of money every</b><b>single month that went out and</b><b>do this. And I was like, this is</b><b>horrible. We're both educators. So we</b><b>don't make a lot of money.</b><b>We made $56,000 combined in Maryland,</b><b>which is a very</b><b>expensive space or place to live.</b><b>And so that was kind of like our first</b><b>like inkling of all of that. And then we</b><b>started learning like,</b><b>oh, wait, I don't really know how to talk</b><b>about money with you.</b><b>Like I've never learned,</b><b>no one's ever taught me, even though my</b><b>parents are good with money.</b><b>They never fought necessarily</b><b>in front of me about money, but I just</b><b>knew we just never talked</b><b>about it. So I don't know.</b><b>It's I don't know where to start. So we</b><b>started figuring it out. We started</b><b>talking about how we</b><b>didn't know how to talk about money and</b><b>we started talking about it.</b><b>It's really much how it went.</b><b>Long story short, 28 months later, we</b><b>paid off $76,000 worth of debt and we</b><b>were completely debt</b><b>free and recognized how the world is open</b><b>to us that we can literally build</b><b>whatever life we want.</b><b>And it was around this time that we</b><b>recognized other couples and</b><b>other people and we would say,</b><b>oh yeah, we're debt free, thinking that</b><b>everybody else was</b><b>already debt free. Like</b><b>think about that worldview for a second</b><b>that we thought that we</b><b>were behind. We thought, oh,</b><b>we have to catch up. We need to make sure</b><b>that, you know, majority of</b><b>the people have to be debt</b><b>free. Right. So we're now there. So yay,</b><b>we did it. And everyone</b><b>else was like, no, this is not</b><b>normal. What you did was very abnormal.</b><b>You're actually very weird.</b><b>Why did you do that? I was</b><b>like, what do you mean? And they're like,</b><b>how did you do that? And so then we</b><b>started learning, like</b><b>we're kind of weird. We're an anomaly.</b><b>And why aren't people having</b><b>conversations like this?</b><b>Because look at what it did for us and</b><b>how it's brought us together and how</b><b>we've been able to do</b><b>win after win after win after win because</b><b>of the work we did together.</b><b>Why are you not talking about it? And so</b><b>that's kind of what created this like</b><b>aha moment that we needed to talk more</b><b>about it. So obviously this</b><b>is like eight years in the</b><b>making that was like eight, nine years</b><b>ago, but it's now come to</b><b>fruition where we're like, no,</b><b>we're ready to unleash our story and</b><b>unleash the idea that like,</b><b>yes, you and your spouse need to</b><b>have conversations around money like now.</b><b>Yeah. And what I think is interesting is,</b><b>and I'm betting that y'all found this</b><b>out, is that you probably both had</b><b>different money beliefs and</b><b>money stories. And you had to figure out</b><b>because they were different,</b><b>you had to figure out how to</b><b>talk to each other, right, in order to be</b><b>able to have these</b><b>conversations. And I talk about this a</b><b>lot. You know, I tell my audience all the</b><b>time and I tell my clients</b><b>all the time, in order for</b><b>you to change your relationship with</b><b>money, you have to figure out</b><b>where your money beliefs are</b><b>coming from. In order to change it, you</b><b>have to get to the root of it.</b><b>You can't just put a band-aid</b><b>over it. And I also stress, excuse me, I</b><b>also stress, sorry, I</b><b>also stress a lot that</b><b>there's good debt and there's bad debt.</b><b>We need to know the</b><b>difference because if we leverage it</b><b>correctly, it can put us, you know,</b><b>further along. It can put us further</b><b>along in our business. It can</b><b>put us further along in our personal</b><b>life. And there's also bad</b><b>debt. And when you have a debt,</b><b>like you're talking about, that was way</b><b>in and down, it felt like you were</b><b>getting nowhere. No.</b><b>That wasn't necessarily bad debt because</b><b>it was, it was</b><b>investing in your education.</b><b>And I know so many of my clients, and I'm</b><b>sure you do, and anyone,</b><b>hell, I'm going to be honest, me,</b><b>I have $80,000 in student loan debt.</b><b>Look, I'm 50. I have come to the</b><b>conclusion that I'm,</b><b>I've paid off four of the loans. Okay. So</b><b>I'm going to give my shelf</b><b>credit where credit is due.</b><b>It was a lot more. And I know that as</b><b>long as I have a plan, I can keep</b><b>chipping away at it.</b><b>And that's the, that's the thing. And my</b><b>plan may be, may look</b><b>different than what yours and your</b><b>husbands did. And someone else's may look</b><b>differently. But what</b><b>I love about it is that</b><b>y'all work with the couple so that they</b><b>can learn how to communicate</b><b>about money. Because y'all,</b><b>if you don't know statistic wise, one of</b><b>the things that tears a marriage apart,</b><b>not just communication, but communication</b><b>about money. And I'm not</b><b>talking about whether you've</b><b>got it or you don't. I'm talking about</b><b>sitting down and talking</b><b>about it and working together</b><b>on it. Because when you're finding each</b><b>other, and when there's different</b><b>beliefs, as you mentioned,</b><b>and you know, like, going back to like</b><b>what you said about debt</b><b>before I go into the communication</b><b>between couples is that that was the only</b><b>debt we had. I didn't</b><b>have, I didn't have credit card</b><b>debt. He didn't have credit card debt. We</b><b>had a little bit of</b><b>savings. We literally had nothing</b><b>else. Like that was, that was dragging a</b><b>step like nothing. So to</b><b>another couple that comes to me or</b><b>a client that comes to me who has like a</b><b>situation of yours where</b><b>they have maybe other debts that</b><b>are more pressing on them, you know, car</b><b>loans or, or credit cards</b><b>and stuff like that, like,</b><b>absolutely makes sense to focus on those</b><b>first. And, you know, the</b><b>student loans are probably</b><b>typically not high interest. So it's</b><b>fine, you know. But for our</b><b>story, that was the only thing</b><b>standing in our way. And so it made sense</b><b>for us to be like, well, and</b><b>let's just get rid of it. So</b><b>then we're done. And we don't have to</b><b>look at it anymore. And I</b><b>think what you said is absolutely</b><b>perfect. Every single story, every single</b><b>person's like money story is</b><b>different. And going back to</b><b>those like beliefs of, of getting like</b><b>your, you and your spouse sitting</b><b>together and having these</b><b>conversations, it takes some serious</b><b>personal reflection. I think that's</b><b>important for you to</b><b>have those personal reflection first</b><b>before you even come together.</b><b>Because if you both, we talked</b><b>about this in our group the other day</b><b>about values, about core</b><b>values. If you've never taken</b><b>the time to figure out what your core</b><b>value is around money and</b><b>what you truly want from your</b><b>money and simply saying, I just want more</b><b>of it is not a core value,</b><b>right? Because more of it. And</b><b>I, you and I talked about this too, just</b><b>because you make money, like</b><b>I, oh my gosh, I meet people</b><b>who are making $230,000 combined. I meet</b><b>people and still broke,</b><b>still have a poor mindset,</b><b>still feeling like, oh my gosh, there's</b><b>not enough to go around,</b><b>still feeling like all of</b><b>these different things. So don't, don't</b><b>twist it and think, oh, well,</b><b>I just need to make more money</b><b>and then it'll be easier. It won't. Once</b><b>I'm making 400,000 or</b><b>500,000, or if I'm in the</b><b>fifties, once I'm making a hundred</b><b>thousand, I won't have this issue with</b><b>money. I'm going to call</b><b>bullshit. It's not true. Just going to</b><b>say it. And so when you start</b><b>from where you are right now</b><b>and understand what are my core values</b><b>and is my money plan, I know</b><b>we were talking about money</b><b>plan over budget or whatever the words</b><b>you want to use, what is my</b><b>plan to make sure that those</b><b>core values are aligned in my financial</b><b>spending and are aligned in</b><b>my financial plan. And that's</b><b>when you're going to feel fulfilled, no</b><b>matter how much money you're</b><b>bringing in. And so when you</b><b>both have had that, that in-depth</b><b>understanding of what's important to you,</b><b>when you come together,</b><b>you're able to find those aligned values</b><b>that are the same. And then you go</b><b>together after towards,</b><b>after these goals, because if you don't</b><b>have that goal in mind,</b><b>you're having a budget conversation</b><b>is, is for what reason? Why do I need to</b><b>sit with you? Why do we</b><b>need to have this conversation</b><b>until there's an issue and all of a</b><b>sudden it's not a conversation. It's a</b><b>blow up. It's tension.</b><b>It's a yup. And you get nowhere. And you</b><b>get nowhere. And</b><b>here's the other thing too,</b><b>is I tell people all the time, when you</b><b>go to do that deep dive into</b><b>those, what your core values</b><b>are with money, what are your money</b><b>beliefs? Now you've got to understand</b><b>what your money beliefs</b><b>are. And there's no judgment ever. I tell</b><b>people all the time, there are no</b><b>judgments to your money</b><b>beliefs. They are what they are. They</b><b>came from situations, money</b><b>trauma, money stories that were</b><b>taught, ancestral carried over. You</b><b>guaranteed you learned them a lot younger</b><b>than what you may think.</b><b>And, and you need to be able to do that</b><b>work. And if you're not honest with</b><b>anybody else about it,</b><b>you need to be honest with yourself of</b><b>what those core, those money</b><b>beliefs are, where you're at,</b><b>so that you can flip that script. Because</b><b>then when you flip that</b><b>script and he's done the work,</b><b>flip the script, then y'all come to, and</b><b>you know what your core values are,</b><b>then you can have a conversation. Right.</b><b>Because you both have a, a,</b><b>a roadmap. We talked about</b><b>that too. We both have a roadmap. Oh, it</b><b>could be a financial plan. It</b><b>could be a money. I call them</b><b>money roadmaps, you know, because a lot</b><b>of people go, no, they're not. Okay. No,</b><b>not so. Yes. It helps</b><b>people who are really, really tight.</b><b>Okay. And I'm going to hear to tell you,</b><b>I love my money roadmap.</b><b>I love my budget, which is, I call my</b><b>money management plan, my</b><b>money roadmap. You can call</b><b>it financial plan. I don't care what the</b><b>hell you call it. I love</b><b>mine because it encompasses</b><b>everything. My core values, the things I</b><b>want, the things I need,</b><b>the expenses, and that's my</b><b>business and my personal. I have both.</b><b>And when I look at it and</b><b>yes, it has to be tweaked. That's</b><b>another thing we talked about. Just</b><b>because you create one does</b><b>not mean you can set it and go.</b><b>And you have to be able to tweak it</b><b>because as me and Kimberly discussed.</b><b>Right. And we just had</b><b>a conversation about like things that</b><b>like this past month, for</b><b>example, right? My husband and I</b><b>had a home that we, a condo, we have two</b><b>kids, three and six, but</b><b>when we bought the condo,</b><b>it was just me and him, but we knew it</b><b>would be a really great starter space.</b><b>And we, we, our whole</b><b>goal was to pay it off as much as</b><b>possible and rent it out. Well, things</b><b>change and our, our values</b><b>changed and the way that we viewed our</b><b>future changed. And we</b><b>were like, he started getting</b><b>really excited about being in business</b><b>with me and being like, I</b><b>want to help couples and let's</b><b>do this together. And he's writing a</b><b>book. And I mean, over the course of last</b><b>year, things changed.</b><b>So we decided in December to sell the</b><b>house because we were</b><b>like, nope, this isn't going to</b><b>be something that we, we need to do right</b><b>now, maybe later. So I was</b><b>like, okay, let's do that.</b><b>Let's sell the house and let's rent</b><b>something for a year and</b><b>really go all in on our business and</b><b>then decide what we want to do with this</b><b>very hefty amount of</b><b>money that we now have because</b><b>we sold the house and put it towards a</b><b>down payment forever. We</b><b>decide to live. I don't know</b><b>where we're going to live, but that's not</b><b>the point. But the point</b><b>is, is that life changed.</b><b>And then the moment of January of finding</b><b>a rental, getting first</b><b>and last, first and last</b><b>months or whatever security deposit,</b><b>getting, you know, moving supplies,</b><b>getting all those things,</b><b>our budget changed like 10 times in</b><b>January. And you know what?</b><b>You just roll with the punches.</b><b>You're just like, okay, this is not</b><b>something that happens all the time, but</b><b>I need to constantly</b><b>stay in touch with where my money is</b><b>going so that we know how we're going to</b><b>end the month strong.</b><b>I love my money and I want to make sure I</b><b>give it a name. It</b><b>literally feels like a blanket.</b><b>Like that's like the visualization that I</b><b>have about having like a money plan</b><b>that truly is aligned to your goals. It</b><b>feels like a warm fuzzy</b><b>blanket. Like that, because you</b><b>can go to sleep at night and know bills</b><b>are paid. We're fine. We're</b><b>good. I can go to sleep without</b><b>worrying. Like truly. And for those</b><b>people out there that may</b><b>be not being able to pay</b><b>all the bills all the time, I want to</b><b>stress that that's okay.</b><b>Show gratitude for what you're</b><b>able to do and use that warm fuzzy</b><b>blanket for what you were able to pay</b><b>because I'm sure Kimberly's</b><b>been there, but I'm going to go ahead and</b><b>say it. I've been there. I</b><b>know what it's like. I know what</b><b>it's like to have to choose what bill I'm</b><b>going to pay and what bill</b><b>I'm not going to pay, which one</b><b>I'm going to have to carry over to next</b><b>month and pay two months of.</b><b>I know what it's like figuring</b><b>out. Okay. If I'm going to be able to</b><b>pay, put groceries on the</b><b>table and pay the bill, or if</b><b>I'm going to have to let one forsake, I</b><b>was on food stamps point</b><b>blank. I know what it feels like.</b><b>And so I want to stress that even if</b><b>you're not to the point to where you can</b><b>pay all the expenses,</b><b>right? If you're to the point where</b><b>you're paying some of them,</b><b>give yourself credit and use that</b><b>warm fuzzy blanket to make yourself feel</b><b>good and, and have that</b><b>gratitude because I believe</b><b>what we focus on, we create more of. So</b><b>for think we're focusing</b><b>on the negative part of</b><b>not being able to pay this, that's what's</b><b>going to come. If we're</b><b>focusing on the positive part,</b><b>that's what we're going to welcome in.</b><b>And I just think it's really</b><b>important that we stress that</b><b>Kimberly, I want to know what, how, what</b><b>are some insights that</b><b>you would give a couple who</b><b>are looking at it going, okay, we kind of</b><b>battle. What, what, what's</b><b>the first step we would need to</b><b>do? Well, we already said the first step.</b><b>That's like really figure</b><b>out where your money beliefs</b><b>are and, and, and starting to shift that</b><b>and your core values. But</b><b>what would be the next step?</b><b>And I have something called a safe place.</b><b>And this is the reason</b><b>why it's like, people laugh</b><b>when we tell them exactly what they do,</b><b>because they expect that</b><b>we're going to say, all right,</b><b>now look at all of your money and you're</b><b>going to get all of your</b><b>bills together and you're going</b><b>to make a budget like right, like right</b><b>next. No, I'm not going</b><b>to ask you to do that next.</b><b>You know why? Because if I ask you to do</b><b>that, you're going to go</b><b>back in the same situation,</b><b>you're going to start bickering at each</b><b>other. You can start</b><b>pointing fingers at each other.</b><b>There's going to be a lot of like, well,</b><b>you bought this and</b><b>that's the reason why we're in</b><b>this situation. There's going to be a lot</b><b>of sass and we're all about</b><b>sass, but not in this way.</b><b>No, like we want to put sass in the right</b><b>space is where it needs to be. Right. Um,</b><b>that's not one of them because you don't</b><b>feel safe with each other.</b><b>You might have shared your</b><b>core values with each other and that's</b><b>nice. And you both are like,</b><b>all right, yeah, this is what</b><b>I would like, but there are underlying</b><b>beliefs and truths that you have</b><b>ingrained because of the last,</b><b>however many years that you've been</b><b>together, that you're like every single</b><b>time we talk about this,</b><b>it's going to end up in a fight. So why</b><b>I'm scared, I'm coming up</b><b>with like my, I'm ready to fight,</b><b>you know? So like I tell my clients to,</b><b>um, to start with a safe place</b><b>conversation. So we have</b><b>this thing that we joke about or you, you</b><b>know how like before you</b><b>go to bed and you're out of</b><b>sleepover and you're, you know,</b><b>everyone's getting like all cozy and</b><b>they're sleeping bags. It gets</b><b>dark. Um, and all of a sudden that's when</b><b>real talk happens. That's</b><b>the same thing that happens</b><b>when you're married. It doesn't, it</b><b>doesn't change. Like the lights go out</b><b>and all of a sudden you're</b><b>like, so I have this existential question</b><b>right before you go to bed.</b><b>Right. And it's just like,</b><b>everything's calm. So we have these</b><b>things called two questions before bed</b><b>and it's just starting</b><b>to help couples create that safe place of</b><b>having conversations and</b><b>they're light questions, but they</b><b>get deeper. And it's like one of those</b><b>things where it's like, man, can you just</b><b>stream with me for a</b><b>second? What would it look like if like,</b><b>is there a money win that you've done</b><b>that you've achieved</b><b>in the last week that we can celebrate</b><b>together? Right. Like I</b><b>really want to celebrate that,</b><b>you know, we went to the gas station and</b><b>we were able to fill up our</b><b>gas tanks all the way. And I</b><b>didn't think about it twice. That was</b><b>really cool. I would love to do more of</b><b>that. Would you like to</b><b>do more of that? Yeah, me too. It doesn't</b><b>have to be like this huge, like</b><b>exponential after every</b><b>time that you have this conversation that</b><b>you're like, now we're going to be</b><b>millionaires. Like it</b><b>doesn't start there. It starts with those</b><b>little conversations. Yes.</b><b>Celebrate in the small wins.</b><b>Balance of like, I'm celebrating with</b><b>you, you're celebrating with</b><b>me. And so we have a list of</b><b>questions that you can ask before bed.</b><b>And we just say, ask yourself two</b><b>questions in this quiet</b><b>space and don't let it take longer than</b><b>15 minutes. Don't let it be something</b><b>that like lingers on</b><b>forever. And even if it's a good</b><b>conversation, you want to kind of like</b><b>build that anticipation</b><b>that I can't wait for the next time we</b><b>talk about our money. And</b><b>we, the next time we dream</b><b>about our money and cause that 15 minute</b><b>timer went off and we</b><b>were having a really great</b><b>conversation. So then when we start the</b><b>next step of like, okay,</b><b>now let's start bringing in</b><b>the numbers. Let's look at actually where</b><b>you are right now. There's</b><b>less of the, I'm ready to fight</b><b>and more of no, this person has the same</b><b>values. Like we've found a lot of</b><b>commonality and I've</b><b>realized that we can do this and we both</b><b>want the same things. So</b><b>when we're looking at this,</b><b>let's, let's show kindness. Yes. First.</b><b>So you build the communication.</b><b>So you build the communication of the</b><b>money first, using small,</b><b>so smart, using like simple,</b><b>exactly non-evasive questions. And also,</b><b>exactly. For some people,</b><b>especially for the clients who,</b><b>you know, there's in a couple, there's</b><b>always that one couple that's like, I've</b><b>been doing the budget</b><b>for the last however many years. And the</b><b>other couple or the other</b><b>part of the couple is like,</b><b>I haven't been looking at it at all.</b><b>Right? So the person who's</b><b>been doing the budget is like</b><b>frustrated by this. And so I have,</b><b>they're the one, they're</b><b>the one that I have to coach</b><b>because the person they're trying to get</b><b>to look at the person they're</b><b>trying to get to look at it.</b><b>When they're in this process, right? The</b><b>person who's been</b><b>budgeting the whole time is like,</b><b>this is going too slow. But the person</b><b>who's never looked at the</b><b>budget is like, this is so</b><b>enlightening to me. Like I'm actually</b><b>having fun talking about money with my</b><b>spouse. And I have to</b><b>tell them like, you have to slow down</b><b>just a little bit, let them catch up and</b><b>then we can go. But we</b><b>can't get there. If you try to pull them,</b><b>pull them over to like the</b><b>finish line, like now you</b><b>coming over here, I've already done this</b><b>work for the last 20 years.</b><b>You know what I mean? Like,</b><b>it's a process. But when they go through</b><b>it and they, they're</b><b>actually like, wow, like,</b><b>we're actually talking about this and</b><b>we're not bickering at each other. This</b><b>is actually awesome.</b><b>Like it's a really cool transformation to</b><b>see. See, I love the fact</b><b>that you do that because</b><b>the whole point of Cash In SaaS podcast</b><b>is to have candid money conversations.</b><b>And you're helping couples do that. And</b><b>it doesn't matter where they're at in</b><b>their money journey.</b><b>And we talked about this, we both have</b><b>seen people making several hundreds,</b><b>thousands of dollars.</b><b>And because of that scarcity money</b><b>mindset, or their money</b><b>belief, they're still broke.</b><b>They still can't tell me, I don't know</b><b>what you, they can't tell me where the</b><b>hell their money went.</b><b>Where is it? Oh yeah, I got money. Okay.</b><b>Well, you know, they can't</b><b>tell me, they can't tell me</b><b>anything they can, or they'll have money</b><b>in their account, but they're</b><b>so afraid to spend it because</b><b>they know they have this and they know</b><b>this had this, but it's all in one</b><b>account and they don't</b><b>think they can touch it because they</b><b>think they're still broke. And I think</b><b>it's really important.</b><b>I just think it's really important the</b><b>work you're doing.</b><b>I've told you this before,</b><b>I absolutely love it. And you know,</b><b>what's different about us</b><b>is I don't work with couples.</b><b>Okay. I work with women entrepreneurs who</b><b>are, she and I both, we</b><b>say, I'm high achieving.</b><b>I work with women entrepreneurs who are</b><b>high achieving, who are</b><b>ready to have changed their</b><b>relationship with money so that they can</b><b>create, retain and expand wealth. And what Kimberly does</b><b>and her husband does is they work with</b><b>couples. They can be</b><b>entrepreneurs. And that's the thing.</b><b>And that's the thing. That's readiness.</b><b>Because you start, you</b><b>start where they're at. That's,</b><b>that's the beauty of it. We both, we both</b><b>say that we start where</b><b>you're at. We can't pull you</b><b>over here if you're over here. So if</b><b>you're over here, we're</b><b>going to start here and gradually</b><b>get you to here, then go further. And I</b><b>think that's really,</b><b>really important. What's,</b><b>what are some of the, I dunno, some of</b><b>the money beliefs that you've, that</b><b>y'all've had or that</b><b>you've seen that have had to be turned</b><b>around. There's so many of</b><b>those. The idea. Yeah. There's</b><b>so many of them. Give me a couple of questions. So like I'm working with a couple right now</b><b>that's coming to mind. And when we're</b><b>working with them, it's been a lot of</b><b>this. So one couple,</b><b>one part of the couple, the spouse, I</b><b>should say the spouse will</b><b>think we're good with money.</b><b>I don't really need to know all the bills</b><b>as long as they're</b><b>automatic, it's fine. And the</b><b>bills are what they are. And there's no</b><b>changing them. Whereas the other person is like, but what</b><b>if we do, you know, what if we, but I</b><b>would like to get out of this</b><b>space, like they're currently</b><b>living in a very, they're, I mean,</b><b>they're making almost $300,000 a year,</b><b>but yet they're still</b><b>living in a, they're basically living in</b><b>their parents' basement</b><b>and, and it's a nice house,</b><b>but they have older children and I'm</b><b>like, don't you want to move</b><b>out? And so the other spouse is</b><b>like, I don't want to live here anymore.</b><b>I would like to move on. I would like to move on. I would</b><b>like to move on. I would like to, you</b><b>know, we have the nice cars and we have,</b><b>we go into the city,</b><b>but like what, we have nothing to show</b><b>for it, right? So for</b><b>her, it's a lot of like,</b><b>her values are, I want the house, I want</b><b>to invest more. I want</b><b>to work less. I want to,</b><b>I want my money to actually look like</b><b>it's doing something. And</b><b>I, and for the other one,</b><b>it's just like, it is what it is. Like it</b><b>is what it is. And come to find out it</b><b>had to do with their</b><b>backgrounds. She has family and overseas</b><b>in different countries.</b><b>She has no family in the</b><b>States. So for her, it's legacy. Legacy</b><b>is important to her. Building something</b><b>that is going to last</b><b>that if her family needs something</b><b>overseas, that she can take care of that.</b><b>If, you know, like if</b><b>she needs to, you know, quit her job or</b><b>if she needs to, whatever, that she has</b><b>the ability to do that</b><b>for him, he has family in the States. And</b><b>he also comes from a</b><b>different belief where,</b><b>you know, it's very laid back and chill.</b><b>It is what it is. And so</b><b>bringing those two beliefs</b><b>together and helping them understand the</b><b>strengths in those beliefs,</b><b>but also this is a chance where</b><b>you have to like lean into your wife a</b><b>little bit more. And this</b><b>opportunity in this particular</b><b>situation, we're going to lean on his</b><b>thinking a little bit more.</b><b>It's been really cool to see</b><b>both of those energies understand how to</b><b>balance each other out. And yeah.</b><b>Yeah. And be and be able to do what I</b><b>say. Why can't you save</b><b>and enjoy life now? You know,</b><b>I had a client who said, I was always</b><b>told that, you know, the</b><b>money doesn't go with you.</b><b>That's my mom.</b><b>So you need to just enjoy life. And then,</b><b>and she goes, and then I was also told</b><b>that I need to save,</b><b>save, save. Okay. Well, which is it? I</b><b>can't do both. And I looked</b><b>at her and I went, why not?</b><b>And she just looked at me. She went, huh?</b><b>I said, yeah. Why can't</b><b>you save for later and</b><b>enjoy life now? If you have a strategic</b><b>plan, let me rephrase that</b><b>a realistic strategic plan,</b><b>because you have to be realistic of where</b><b>you're at. You can do both.</b><b>You can do both. There's no</b><b>reason why you can't do both. And I think</b><b>that's really important</b><b>because that's almost what I was</b><b>seeing is one going, well, it is what it</b><b>is, but we can either spend</b><b>and we're just going to live</b><b>the bills and we can spend where we're</b><b>just not going to be able to</b><b>go and do this. And I want to</b><b>be able to enjoy life. And she's like,</b><b>well, I want to go and get a house and</b><b>say, okay, there's a way</b><b>you can do that. You just have to be</b><b>strategic. And then I love that. Some of</b><b>my other clients are</b><b>want to, they have this perspective of as</b><b>soon as I get money, I know that my</b><b>previous perspective</b><b>or my previous experience with money is</b><b>that when I get money, I</b><b>lose it. So when I get a raise,</b><b>I'm just going to beat myself to the</b><b>punch. I'm just going to,</b><b>I'm just going to move it and</b><b>repel it as fast as I can. And they might</b><b>not do it like in the way</b><b>of, Oh, I get 10,000 is I'm</b><b>spending $10,000. It might not happen</b><b>that fast, but that is like, it's</b><b>subconsciously, that's what</b><b>happened. So I got money in, might as</b><b>well spend it, might as well</b><b>do it. Yep. Might as well Yolo.</b><b>Like, I don't know. They just like go for</b><b>it. And then when they</b><b>actually sit down and they</b><b>recognize it, they're like, Oh my gosh, I</b><b>have every single time</b><b>that I've gotten additional</b><b>income. I immediately like just let it go</b><b>because I don't trust</b><b>myself with my money. I'm afraid</b><b>that I can't hold onto it. I'm afraid</b><b>that I can't spend it</b><b>because some are save it because</b><b>somebody else told me that I'm horrible</b><b>at saving somebody</b><b>else told me that my only,</b><b>that I'm only good at wasting money. So</b><b>why would I even try to pretend to be</b><b>someone that I'm not?</b><b>And it's insane how those words and how</b><b>another person's</b><b>perspective, especially our spouse</b><b>can, can weigh on us where we go, well,</b><b>if that's what it is, then</b><b>I'm just never going to be</b><b>a person who has savings or investments.</b><b>I'm just going to be a</b><b>person who has a lot of stuff.</b><b>Well, and not only that, but if you also</b><b>come from a background of</b><b>family who did that, right?</b><b>Or somehow in the family, like I was</b><b>raised with you work, you pay bills,</b><b>wash, rinse, repeat, work, you pay bills,</b><b>wash, rinse, repeat. You</b><b>don't save and you don't get</b><b>anything. And I believe that. So every</b><b>time extra money started</b><b>showing up, I can't save it.</b><b>It's something else going to happen. It's</b><b>going to disappear</b><b>tomorrow. And subconsciously,</b><b>I was literally making it disappear. And</b><b>I look back now and I'm</b><b>like, Oh my gosh. And it was from</b><b>those stories that were being not even</b><b>said, but shown. Right. And</b><b>I had to flip that script.</b><b>I had to change the, that thought process</b><b>to realize, you know what,</b><b>it doesn't have to be that</b><b>way. I can do both. I can have things and</b><b>save for later. I do wish I</b><b>would have learned it a lot</b><b>younger or it would have come into the</b><b>brain a lot longer. And</b><b>I'm glad it came when it came</b><b>because I'm going to be honest, I'm 50. I</b><b>have a highest credit score</b><b>I have ever had in my life.</b><b>I have the nicest vehicle I have ever had</b><b>in my life. One that I don't</b><b>have to, if it breaks down,</b><b>is covered under warranty and I don't</b><b>have to figure out where the hell the</b><b>money's coming from.</b><b>Okay. If you've bought vehicles that paid</b><b>cash for them and not had</b><b>any warranty, you understand.</b><b>Where I'm coming from. And, and, you</b><b>know, I, I have nice things</b><b>and I have an awesome business</b><b>and I have a different, totally mindset</b><b>with, with money. I have a good</b><b>relationship now with money.</b><b>And I'm here to tell you that is the</b><b>biggest key is being able to</b><b>have a good relationship with</b><b>money and full transparency, even when</b><b>things are tight, even</b><b>when you're up leveling and</b><b>life happens in the middle of your up</b><b>leveling or you're in a Phoenix rising</b><b>moment. I talked about</b><b>this because hello, I am. I'm in that</b><b>Phoenix rising moment. Still</b><b>being able to have your tools</b><b>and lean in and have that relate good</b><b>relationship with money is what gets you</b><b>through those moments</b><b>and being able to tweak the financial</b><b>plan, the money roadmap,</b><b>whatever it is you want to call it</b><b>and being able to still be centered and</b><b>grounded in that good</b><b>relationship with money is what gets</b><b>you through those. Is it still tight?</b><b>Yes. Is it still sometimes mini</b><b>stressful? Okay. Absolutely.</b><b>I am not going to sugar coat it for you.</b><b>And it's a whole lot</b><b>better than what it would be</b><b>if you didn't have a good relationship</b><b>with money. And if you're</b><b>married a whole lot better</b><b>than it would be if you weren't having</b><b>communication with each other.</b><b>Yes. Because we've had many operations,</b><b>many situations like</b><b>that, especially as a business</b><b>owner, right? My husband, I</b><b>have kids. Yes. It's life.</b><b>You have kids and you're married. It's</b><b>life. It's called life.</b><b>He's working. We're hopeful that he can</b><b>stop working soon.</b><b>We'll see how things go.</b><b>But I got into business five years ago</b><b>when my daughter was</b><b>one. So she's, wait, no,</b><b>she's almost seven. So six years ago,</b><b>goodness gracious, time goes by so fast.</b><b>But yeah, so like, you know, we had to</b><b>have that conversation,</b><b>right? Again, as two educators,</b><b>I was making a little bit more at that</b><b>point. We were both in</b><b>public education at that point,</b><b>not private. So we had a little bit of a</b><b>bump up in money. But we</b><b>were wanting to get our masters,</b><b>which costs money. And so we were like,</b><b>all right, well, we got to</b><b>put a little bit of extra in so</b><b>that we can get those masters. And then</b><b>it was, okay, well, you know,</b><b>we have our daughter and she</b><b>needs to go to daycare because our</b><b>master's classes don't end</b><b>until eight o'clock at night.</b><b>So there were some days where, you know,</b><b>it was just, it was tight</b><b>because an infant going to,</b><b>you know, daycare is a</b><b>mortgage. It's another mortgage.</b><b>Yeah, I was going to say</b><b>you, it's a mortgage payment.</b><b>It is a mortgage. So there are moments</b><b>where it's, hey, this, yes. Oh no.</b><b>I don't miss this. I don't want to do</b><b>daycare again if I don't have to.</b><b>But yeah, like, so there are moments,</b><b>even, even the people</b><b>who are doing really great</b><b>with their money, right? Who know how to</b><b>manage it, who have good</b><b>relationships with their money.</b><b>I'm so thankful that my husband and I</b><b>have learned the</b><b>communication part of things,</b><b>because as I was going into business and</b><b>I said, okay, I'm going</b><b>off. I'm not going to have a</b><b>consistent income anymore. Are you okay</b><b>with that? Like we had</b><b>to have, we had to have a</b><b>conversation about like, okay, what's</b><b>that going to look like? And</b><b>what's the, here's a business</b><b>one that I think will help some of your</b><b>listeners who might be female</b><b>entrepreneurs. Having that</b><b>conversation and knowing that, you know,</b><b>his bills or his income</b><b>could take care of majority</b><b>of our bills, you know, on the minimum</b><b>end. And if I brought in</b><b>$400 a month, we were good. If I</b><b>brought in $1,200 a month, we could take</b><b>care of our sinking funds,</b><b>right? But our emergency fund</b><b>is intact. And you know, so we have all</b><b>these, or brainy day fund, as</b><b>you say, is intact and all of</b><b>these things, right? So imagine the</b><b>stress that I didn't feel being able to</b><b>look and at my business</b><b>and not feel pressure that I have to have</b><b>my, and this is what you hear in this</b><b>industry, 5k months,</b><b>10k months. We push that too much. Yeah,</b><b>see, I didn't do that.</b><b>Yeah. And see, I didn't do that.</b><b>Mine was a little bit different. Mine was</b><b>I'm sole provider with me and my two</b><b>girls. And I was let</b><b>go for my job in 2016. And I was tired of</b><b>the migraines. I was tired</b><b>of the tension headaches.</b><b>I was tired of all the stuff. And I said,</b><b>you know what? And I was</b><b>barely making ends meet.</b><b>And the highest I made was like 40,000</b><b>for me and two girls. And I couldn't,</b><b>insurance alone was way</b><b>too expensive. So the girls were on</b><b>there, was on Medicaid because they</b><b>couldn't be on my insurance</b><b>because they were my insurance. It took</b><b>pretty much my check. And,</b><b>and, you know, I was barely</b><b>making ends meet. So I decided, you know</b><b>what, I'm barely making</b><b>ends meet. We gonna do it on my</b><b>terms. I'm going to be at home. It</b><b>wasn't, oh, I need to go make that 5k. It</b><b>was, I either make this</b><b>work or I'm going to have to go back to</b><b>corporate. And I made hard</b><b>decisions. I had my vehicle</b><b>repossessed. I was on food stamps</b><b>already. And I had to send a</b><b>letter to my landlord and say,</b><b>will you pro make, pro rate my rent from</b><b>October to April when I get my taxes?</b><b>Because I knew I was</b><b>going to get a huge refund because again,</b><b>I was sole provider of two</b><b>kids and was not making enough</b><b>money. And you'd be amazed at what</b><b>happens when you do that.</b><b>You get this massive, you know,</b><b>tax rebate thing. So I knew I would get</b><b>enough. And again,</b><b>divisive people, she says, yes.</b><b>And right. And it was, it was God source</b><b>universe, whoever,</b><b>whatever you believe in,</b><b>it was, that was, that was what was</b><b>involved. Okay. To this</b><b>day, I know that. And now I'm</b><b>celebrating seven years making more money</b><b>than I have ever made.</b><b>Okay. Working corporate 20 years</b><b>in corporate ever. Um, and it wasn't, do</b><b>five K, do 10 K. It was just keep</b><b>building. I say hell,</b><b>first time I made a thousand dollars, I</b><b>celebrated. Then when I eat</b><b>each, each milestone. And the</b><b>biggest thing was, is that first year.</b><b>That was when I realized at the end of</b><b>the first year, when,</b><b>when the business grew so much and then</b><b>it stopped and it almost</b><b>lost. I was like, okay,</b><b>wait a minute. Why do I have to show for</b><b>this? Why am I still having</b><b>issues? Right? Because the</b><b>money was coming in, but I was still</b><b>having issues. And it was when I dug into</b><b>what we've talked about</b><b>that was money stories, those money</b><b>beliefs. And I went,</b><b>ah, we're missing a piece.</b><b>You can't do this without this. And then</b><b>why is those traditionally,</b><b>like you and I talked about,</b><b>we could create spreadsheets and sell</b><b>them on Etsy. Why don't we? Because</b><b>they're cookie cutter</b><b>spreadsheets and they don't work. They</b><b>don't work because</b><b>they're not built for you. Um,</b><b>and I just, but I love that we have these</b><b>different stories, you</b><b>know, different money</b><b>journeys. And we talk, like you said</b><b>yesterday, we are the other day, we talk</b><b>about the same things</b><b>we teach is we might teach them slightly</b><b>different, but we have, you and I have a</b><b>lot of the same core</b><b>values. We may have some that are</b><b>slightly different, but we also have a</b><b>lot of the same core</b><b>values, which like I said, y'all y'all</b><b>should have seen me. I lit up when she</b><b>got as excited about,</b><b>oh yeah. Capital one savings that I did.</b><b>And not many people do. She's</b><b>like, oh, I love, I was like,</b><b>like, I feel like, I mean, like my</b><b>sisterhood or something. Okay. I know. It</b><b>was like, oh my God.</b><b>Um, it, it was awesome. As we wrap up, I</b><b>want you to tell people about your, um,</b><b>freebie that your, your free offer that</b><b>you're offering for the listeners,</b><b>because I was reading</b><b>it and I think this is like a big, I</b><b>mean, I don't know. I just</b><b>think it's important. Um,</b><b>because it tells you your communication.</b><b>Yep. So funny because I was like, whoa,</b><b>I made that, I wrote that out a while</b><b>ago. I hope I wrote what</b><b>she's talking about. Yes. That's</b><b>exactly what it is. So, uh, we've</b><b>actually created a money</b><b>arc, like archetype quiz.</b><b>So you know how those quizzes in Cosmo</b><b>where you find out like the type of like,</b><b>that's exactly what it is. Right. So, um,</b><b>way back in the day</b><b>when you're like, okay,</b><b>are you a springer? You went autumn, you</b><b>know, are you a summer? And</b><b>this is what it means about you.</b><b>But we made one of those for, obviously</b><b>it's a lot more not, not</b><b>as like, you know, Cosmo,</b><b>but, um, but we made it for money, right?</b><b>So like, based on how</b><b>you answer some of these</b><b>questions about your values, they're</b><b>really helping you</b><b>understand what your core values are.</b><b>And you're going to choose the things</b><b>that are the most like that</b><b>stand out to you the most,</b><b>that stand out to you as the most</b><b>important to you right</b><b>now. And there are different,</b><b>there are four archetypes that we're</b><b>sharing. Um, and there's so</b><b>many of them. And these are</b><b>just the ones that we focus on and you</b><b>can totally ebb and flow</b><b>depending on what's happening</b><b>in your life. You can ebb and flow</b><b>between them, but there's going to be one</b><b>archetype that is like</b><b>your main, like that, that is your main</b><b>archetype, your main</b><b>communication style. And when you</b><b>understand your communication style,</b><b>you're going to be able to see your</b><b>finances from a different</b><b>light. It doesn't mean just because you</b><b>like spending money that</b><b>you are a bad person, that</b><b>you are bad with money. That's not what</b><b>that means at all. Right. In</b><b>fact, as a person who loves to</b><b>spend money, I am a resident bougie</b><b>person. That is me. Give me all the</b><b>vacations, give me all the</b><b>pretty things that is me. I am the one</b><b>that loves to shop. Yes. Yes.</b><b>See? Yes. Yes. Pretty things.</b><b>And I also love managing my money, like</b><b>love it because the one, the</b><b>more that I manage my money</b><b>and the more that I tell it where to go,</b><b>the more money I have to</b><b>shop without guilt, without</b><b>feeling, it's just the best thing.</b><b>Knowledge of power. I don't have to worry</b><b>about my husband rolling</b><b>his eyes at me when I come home with bags</b><b>from Target. He's like,</b><b>oh, you went shopping? Show</b><b>me what you got. It's the best I'm</b><b>telling you. So anyway, understanding</b><b>your money archetype is</b><b>going to be really beneficial. And we</b><b>actually have a master class</b><b>that goes with it that helps</b><b>we are able to personally coach you to</b><b>help you go deeper in how</b><b>does that work with your spouse</b><b>and how do you leverage your strengths.</b><b>So yeah. Awesome. Well,</b><b>listeners, if you were a couple,</b><b>I want you to please go and grab this</b><b>free offer. The link</b><b>will be in the show notes</b><b>for you to grab as well as her website</b><b>and the links to go</b><b>check her out. Thank you,</b><b>Kimberly so much for coming on here. I'm</b><b>going to tell you, you</b><b>and I could have like many</b><b>conversations. So I'm pretty sure I'm</b><b>going to have you back</b><b>because we could just do like a</b><b>low down on women and money. I know. Um,</b><b>because you and I, like, I</b><b>think we could have had our</b><b>conversation. Yeah. I absolutely thank</b><b>you very much for coming</b><b>on. Thank you. My sassy friend</b><b>for listening and or watching us on</b><b>YouTube. And until next</b><b>time, we will see you then. Bye.</b><b>Thanks for joining us this week on cash</b><b>and Sass check us out on</b><b>social media and on our website</b><b>at where you</b><b>can download my free</b><b>money story start guide.</b><b>The website again is</b><b> And as</b><b>always subscribe to the show to catch</b><b>every new episode and leave us a review</b><b>so we can continue to</b><b>bring you fresh content.</b><b>And remember, yes, it is possible to have</b><b>sassy and sexy money. See you next week.</b>