Cash & Sass

Mind over Money Mastering the Mental Wealth Code

Lisa Marie Robinson Episode 12

In today's episode of "Cash and Sass," I explored the second of the five wealth codes—the mental wealth code. I emphasized how crucial our mindset is in achieving success and happiness. I talked about the importance of thinking positively, celebrating others' achievements, and being grateful. I also touched on turning challenges into opportunities and the benefits of mindfulness for our well-being. I reminded listeners to choose their company wisely and maintain boundaries with negative influences. As we wrapped up, I encouraged everyone to keep working on their mental wealth to truly become wealth queens.

🧠 The second wealth code: the mental wealth code
🌱 Cultivating a mindset that supports success and well-being
💭 The impact of thoughts and beliefs on reality and actions
🌞 Embracing an abundance mindset
🔄 Reframing challenges into opportunities
🧘 The role of mindfulness in improving well-being
🤝 Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive individuals
🚫 Setting boundaries with energy-draining individuals
🛤 Building mental wealth as an ongoing journey
🔑 Essential steps towards achieving mental wealth

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The Sassy Wealth Coach™

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