Cash & Sass

Empowering Women: Build Wealth from Scratch! With Carina Gardner

Lisa Marie Robinson Episode 27

In this episode of the "Cash and Sass" podcast, Lisa Marie Robinson the Sassy Wealth Coach, interviews  Carina Gardner, a successful designer and business owner, who shares her journey to financial success and the importance of mindset, abundance, and money management. She discusses supporting her children's dreams, including her autistic daughter's decision to attend a private Christian college and encourages content creation for financial gain. The interview also emphasizes the importance of teaching kids about money and responsibility and offers a free class on making art that sells.

  • Financial Freedom and Teaching Designers

Carina discusses the importance of financial freedom, her program that teaches designers to earn money while learning, and actionable steps for achieving financial goals.

  • Overcoming Scarcity Mindset and Empowering Kids

Strategies for overcoming a scarcity mindset, the importance of supporting children's dreams, and allowing them to pursue their passions in education are discussed.

  • Role Models and Money Management
  • The significance of parents as role models, sharing experiences with children, and teaching them about money management and planning are emphasized.
  • Supporting Neurodivergent Children and Focusing on Passion

Discussion on understanding and supporting neurodiverse children's goals and encouraging them to focus intensely on one passion for success.

  • Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Creativity

Exploration of opportunities in entrepreneurship and creative fields, including a mother's support for her daughter's YouTube channel.

  • Wealth Mindset and Free Offer

The conversation shifts to teaching children about money management and building wealth, concluding with a free masterclass related to the guest's new book.

  • Cultivating a Wealth Mindset

The episode concludes with a focus on changing mindsets towards abundance and wealth for future generations.
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Would love to talk about not having money and how it is possible to make a lot of money but you have to give yourself and time and resources to do it. And that you are teaching your kids money lessons whether you like it or not. - Use code MAKEART for the Masterclass 

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The Sassy Wealth Coach™

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