Cash & Sass

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back from Financial Success?

Lisa Marie Robinson Episode 29

In this episode of the "Cash and Sass" podcast, I, Lisa Marie, founder of the Sassy Wealth Coach, chat with Joseph Drolshagen, an international coach, author, speaker, and minister. We delve into overcoming limiting beliefs about money and success, shaped by our blue-collar upbringings. Joseph shares his journey from corporate America to coaching, introducing his Subconscious Mindset Training (SMT) method. We discuss the importance of stepping out of comfort zones, managing fear, and the transformative power of personalized coaching. Joseph offers a free 15-minute coaching call and meditation package to help listeners shift their mindsets.

Discussion points

- Overcoming limiting beliefs related to money and success.
- The impact of upbringing and societal conditioning on financial mindsets.
- Personal experiences of transitioning from blue-collar backgrounds to success.
- The concept of Subconscious Mindset Training (SMT) for shifting beliefs.
- The importance of recognizing and addressing fears that hinder growth.
- Embracing discomfort as a catalyst for personal development.
- The role of coaching in providing support and accountability.
- Defining wealth beyond financial success, including alignment with core values.
- Strategies for maintaining work-life balance and personal fulfillment.
- The transformative power of continuous mindset work and personal growth.

I've dedicated my life to stepping through my fears and helping people experience dynamic growth in their life, through getting into alignment with the SUPER POWERS... And doing so in a manner that opposes the ""standard"" coaching/consulting methodologies being utilized today...  It's taken me almost 3 decades and a lot of ""life lessons"" in my own journey to perfect what's become known as the SMT Method (Subconscious Mindset Training). This has allowed me and the almost thousand clients I've served quickly get to the other side of their fears. Which youa nd I both know leads us to the greatest thrills life has to offer.   Recently it's led me off a 2,000 foot mountain top, strapped to a hang glider.  It's led me to resign from a 28 year career as VP of Sales in corporate America to serving others in the works I do today.  As an international coach, author, speaker and minister, I love helping people to use their struggles, fears, and limitations to launch them into success!

Go to Joseph's website for a 15-minute discussion with a 4-pack of meditations

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The Sassy Wealth Coach™

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Lisa Marie Robinson  00:00:00  Hey my sassy friend, welcome back to another episode of Cash and Sass. My name is Lisa Marie and I am the brains behind the Sassy Wealth coach and of course this podcast. And today with me, I have Joseph Drolshagen shaking. Is that. Did I say that right? Yes. Okay. Okay, okay. His bios, he's dedicated his life to stepping through his fears and helping people experience dynamic growth in their life through getting into alignment with the superpowers and doing so in a manner that opposes the standard coaching consulting methodologies being utilized today. It's taken him almost three decades and a lot of life lessons in his own journey to perfect what's become known as the Smt method Subconscious mindset training. This has allowed him and almost thousands of clients he served quickly. Get to the other side of their fears, which you and I both know leads everyone to the greatest thrills life has to offer. Recently, it led him to A2000 excuse me, A200 zero foot mountain top strapped to a hang glider. Okay, you've lost me.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:01:02  We're no longer connected. It's led him to resign from a 28 year career as VP of Sales and Corporate America, to serving others in the works he does today as an international coach, author, speaker and minister. He loves helping people use their struggle, fears and limitations to launch them into success. And I'm going to say he is the first person on my show that is in the same state as me. Woo hoo, South Carolina! I'm so, so, so thrilled. And we were connecting before we started recording. And then he lost me with hang gliding. because I'm not strapping anything to me up on top of anything and high and hang gliding from nothing. That's like jumping out of the airplane. And people are like, you don't wanna jump out of airplane? No. Why would I jump out of a perfectly good airplane? No.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:01:51  I wouldn't wanna do that either.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:01:53  But you go hang gliding. Yeah, Okay. okay. Just still. I it's so awesome to have you on my show.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:02:09  Thank you very much for being here. I absolutely love a lot of your answers. And one of the things that I want to talk about is how you said you were born into blue collar, so therefore, you were always going to stay in a blue collar, because I grew up with a single mom who took care of two kids, and I was always told, Connie, if you didn't come from money and you don't marry into money, you're never going to have any money. So it's basically that blue collar. You're going to work, you're going to pay bills, you're going to work, you're going to pay bills, and you're never basically going to have anything to show for it, right? Except burnout, stress, migraines and that. And for years, that's exactly what I had. because I was in corporate for 20 years. Talk about that and how that affected your mindset and then some, you know, what did you do to shift it?

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:02:57  Yeah. Lisa Marie, it's great to be here with you, too.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:03:00  I mean, even a pre conversation was was awesome. It was. Yeah yeah I know. So yeah I grew up in a very low income blue collar family in Detroit, Michigan, the auto Mecca of the world and everything else. And I had multiple teachers. I watched my parents struggle and work exhaustively and everything my whole life to raise us five kids and put a roof over our head, you know, and, and I remember thinking, something's not right here. You know, I had gone to a friend of mine's house for a weekend, and his dad pulled out 20 bucks, and he said, here, you guys take your bike to go up to dairy Queen. You know? Right. My family, we had to save up to do that. So even at nine years old, I was like, something's not right here. Like the energy of the house after I went there and spend a weekend and stuff like that. And I came back going, man, I'm not living like you people are.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:03:42  And I didn't know what they did wrong, but I knew they weren't doing something right, you know? And then I got into my 20s and I experienced that same struggle, and I couldn't understand why and to the point. If something came easy for me, I thought I didn't deserve it because I didn't work hard enough for it. Yes. And so, so many things that would come up, I would just knock down as far as not deserving of that. And at 21 years old, I became 22 years old. I became a student of the works I do today. It was only because I was lost and couldn't figure it out. So I've tried one. I've gone through one on one counseling, I've gone to group counseling. I've gone through all the like, all kinds of different programs and coaches and self studies and books. I've taken book after book after book and created an experiment out of it. And no matter what I did, I would walk away feeling more and more like there was something wrong with me, like I was that was like you said, that was my lot in life, you know, and going through grade school, even multiple of my teachers would say to me, there's people meant to work with their head and people meant to work with their hands, and you're going to work with your hands.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:04:51  So I wanted to quit high school my junior year and just get a job, because that was my lot in life, you know? And so I started out after high school. I didn't go to college right away, and I ended up getting into blue collar and cleaning grease out of machines and maintenance. And it was this terrible job. And, and I, and I came across a guy who we became friends and he was very high level in the pharmaceutical world, and I didn't ask him to, but he decided that he was going to mentor me. And he started opening up these possibilities and things like that. And at one point he said to me, you know, he goes, what would you love about getting into White Collar? Because that was like a breakthrough bridge for me. Nobody in my family had gone into White collar. So what? You know, what would that I go, oh, man, I'd love to have a company car and a laptop computer like that would be so awesome.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:05:42  And so we started, I started understanding, or he started explaining some of the things, and he would have me practice, interview and stuff, but start opening some of that stuff up now. At the same time, you know, I got 5 or 6 years now where I've been working at, at the cause of what I do today and stuff. And it started opening things up and I got a job in White Collar. I was the first one in my family to do so that that corporation paid for my college degree. So I got a college degree, the first one to do so. And if you look at how I was and even within corporate that I didn't ever want to be in, but I was raised with the thought that a man gets a job and supports a family and hopefully lives long enough to enjoy some retirement. And I bought into that hook, line and sinker.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:06:25  I did two, I did two, yeah.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:06:28  Okay. So once I got into White Collar, it just kept coming like like new opportunities, everything else all the way up to a vice president of sales.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:06:36  And then at the end of my corporate career, I was helping companies in bankruptcy get back into profitability. And it's all been a continuous. Learning and life's lessons. When you read that. I always smile when I hear that because so many life lessons, so many crashes that I've experienced in order that brought me to that next level and things like that, you know. And so throughout the and once I understood the subconscious mind, once I understood the programming and how that interacts with the brainwaves to the actions we take or don't take, I could start seeing where I know what I want, but I'm not getting there. And no matter what I did, and I'd take coaching program, six month coaching programs and things like that. And I walked away thinking, there must be something wrong with me. And I just continued that up until about maybe 20 years ago when when things started to click, once I understood the subconscious mind and things like that, all of a sudden things started to click and I understood.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:07:37  It's not that I was raised in blue collar, so that's as far as I'll ever go. It's not that I was raised in financial struggles, so that's as far as I can go. I can understand that, identify it, and what the whole Smt method is based on is identifying and shifting that subconscious conditioning to open up for a wider perspective and more opportunities in our life.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:07:58  Okay, so I want to talk about that shifting because that subconscious, it's basic. Basically what you came up with is what I teach. I just don't say it the way you say it. I say that, you know, our what we what the stories that we've been telling ourselves, the stories that we've heard. Their stories from generations upon generations upon generations with women. It's society. You know, society. I mean, even today. Hello. We should be so much further away. But it's still from you, right? Everything around us, all these stories that are told to us. I didn't come from money.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:08:34  I'm not. I'm always going to have to do this. You were born into blue collar, so therefore that's the only thing you should expect. And you're right. Subconsciously we start believing those things because that's what we've we've been seeing, what we've seen, what we've told. And we're like, okay, well, how can we expect it to be any different? And what it is, is it shifting that? So I want to talk about that. How do you go about shifting that one? I because I tell people all the time, you need to be honest with yourself. If you're not honest with anyone else on identifying what those limiting beliefs are, you need to you have to, you have you have to be able to identify them and acknowledge them. Right. And then how do you go about or how did you go about shifting and how do you help other people shift, do that shift? So where because I know sometimes it can take people a lot longer. I mean, it took me longer.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:09:26  but of course I did it by myself and was. And like, you like, okay, why is this not working? What am I missing? There's something missing. There's, you know, I'm awesome with numbers. Like, I can get into someone's bank account and I can tell you where there's money leaks. I can look at it, you can say, Lisa, I've got $10,000. I've got all of this and all of this, and I want to know the best way. And I can create a I can literally give you six different ways you could do it all, and you can choose which one would best fit you. And I was still having a hard time retaining wealth, right. And seeing that I could create wealth. And what that was was my limiting belief that was coming from that limited belief. And so once I realized that my money mindset and wealth management were connected, and that was what's stopping me from this, and I acknowledged where those what those one, what those beliefs were and realized where they were coming from.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:10:20  I was then able to start digging and doing the work to make it shift. and I tell every people, I tell everybody this all the time, every single day on all my podcast. It doesn't happen overnight. And it's a continuous work in progress, because every time you uplevel, you're going to have sometimes that little brains go come back. But having the tools like your process and having other tools like I use music embodiment to work through those emotions so they don't stay in there and shift my mindset back. Being able to have those tools is what helps you. So I would like to know how how does your process work? Excuse me, and how did you use it to shift those those paradigms, right. Those money paradigms as money beliefs.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:11:07  Yeah. So so ultimately, you know, you said something in that. And again, the subconscious there's like what I call a motherboard of all of our programming. It's our patterns, our paradigms, our experiences, our beliefs, our habits, all of that's in there.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:11:23  You know, we can have programming in our subconscious that we never experienced. But somebody told us it or we were told it over and over, like meant to work with your head or hands, you know, and things like that and stuff. And we just believed that without ever experiencing it. So part of the problem is going it alone, which, you know, is we don't we don't even we we can't become aware of those thing because we live so much and doing things that are habits and everything else. It just feels it's the right thing to do. It just feels like the right thing to do. And we do it over and over and over and create more and more and more struggle. So, so something has to trigger that to become aware of it. And what I have found, and the way it changed for me, is I started out developing what I call a dynamic vision. And in my Smt method with the programs, there's there's a, you know, roadmap that we go through to, to determine that vision, even in building that vision starts tapping up against that conditioning.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:12:23  It starts tapping up against those beliefs, you know. And it did for me. I mean, you know, I would spend 3 to 5000 miles every single week back in sales trying to develop territories once I started. And I might do $1 million a year in sales to, you know, $150 million organization. Once I started understanding this, and once I was able to start applying it and start becoming aware of what those were, and then excuse me, working in the various forms that are in the Smt method to shift that. All of a sudden, within a year, I landed one contract that was $25 million a year, and it was and took them from 140 to 170 and was easy and it just unfolded. It didn't have all the effort and the painstaking, you know, grueling effort and everything else going into it. And so even with my clients, every client I work with, when they go through and build that dynamic vision, I help them to expand that. And I'll give you an examples.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:13:23  I had somebody who came to me, and they had a 13 year high of $7.5 million business. All they wanted to do was get to $10 million, and that's as far as they could see. So I went in working together. We stretched it to like 12, 12, five, 12.5 million, and even in that bumped up against multiple paradigms, multiple things like like, am I? Am I really worthy of this? Multiple like, am I, do I, am I deserving, like all the different paradigms that are in that programming that we wouldn't otherwise even be aware of them playing out, we can now become aware of and we can shift those. And in 12 calendar months, they took their business, went from 7.5 million and almost toppled over $23 million. And they've been maintaining that for 5 or 6 years now. And, and kind of slowly pacing from there and stuff. But and that story happens over and over and over. But the whole thing, you know, we hear all this stuff a lot and a lot of people think it's wishful thinking, but if you can believe it, you can achieve it.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:14:23  Oh, absolutely. I believe, but we believe what we focus on, we create more of.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:14:28  But we we have to do so in a way, like a lot of people will take things like The secret or manifesting or, you know, the universal principles, all that stuff. And it's all taught as a one size fit all that's not. But Lisa Marie, you're a unique individual like I am. So one of the things is I've gone through multiple coaching programs in my time of, you know, learning this and and in doing so, I would finish a program and, and I would think, man, there must be something wrong with me. I must be stuck because I wouldn't get anything out of it. Now, I realize, and that's why I created the Smt method programs. The way I did is it doesn't give you the A, B, and C to hit D, the one size fits all pattern. It creates the journey for the unique experience for that individual to identify your conditioning.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:15:20  Not not a whole. And and and then we shift that and then what you walk away what my clients walk away with is they walk away with their success roadmap. And then they can apply it to any other area of their life.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:15:33  I love this, so there's two reasons I love this one. L my listeners who are not in the millions, I want you to understand. Did you hear someone was making $7 million and they couldn't see past a certain amount? Guess what mindset. The same thing. The struggles that you're struggling with at 500,000 or 20,000 or 50,000, whatever that number, the limiting belief of only being able to see so far, again, new levels. And I heard this in a momentum. So I keep saying it new level, new level for every new level. So you keep saying, oh, well, if I'm making a million that I would never worry about money, but if you're having the belief now, you're gonna still have that belief unless you're doing something about that belief.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:16:25  More money is not actually going to fix the belief. And the other thing is how you talk about the personalized roadmap. I created what's called the personalized money roadmap, and the reason why I call it a roadmap is because we need to understand. We need to be able to tweak it. Most people, when they hear budget, they think restrictive and and the cookie cutter ones just don't work. And the personalized money roadmap takes in your values, your desires, your core values, your desires, your monthly expenses, your yearly expenses. Talking about all the business stuff, the growth you're wanting. It's time. And what are you talking about? We look at the whole picture of that person and then we personalize it. And that's the reason why it works is because it's for that person. And in that process when we're building it, we're looking at the creating retain and expanding wealth that's personalized for them and what's important to them. And you're doing the same thing when you're looking at the you called it the Smt, right? The Smt method does the exact basic does the same thing because you're looking at when you create that roadmap, you're doing it personalized for them and then helping them see beyond a certain a certain thing.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:17:38  You're helping them see what's possible.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:17:41  Well, one of the things with that, and you had mentioned it as well, is, is, is one of the common traits I see with people who have businesses they'll see in the hundreds of thousands. $1 million seems to be a block.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:17:52  Okay, look, I'm going to be honest, when I started my own business, the the and clear as day point blank, I said, if I'm barely going to get by, then I'm going to do it on my terms. I'm not going to do it for to make someone else rich. And that was that was the whole reason I was going to be home with my girls. One of them special needs I was, I was done with working 60 hours a week to make someone else rich and me barely get by. And then my coach earlier this year says, Lisa, what's your new goal? And I was like, I don't know. And I gave him a number. And he said, really? And I said, okay, I never thought I would say this.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:18:31  And I gave him my gross goal 500 K. And he said, and how did that feel? I said, scary as shit because like you're saying, when I first started, I never, I never even thought to look over at that number or go to a million for me to say half a million or even think of a million. And I've started thinking above 500 and getting to that million, and I'm like, okay. And it's because when I started, I had the one purpose, right? And then when I started making the money, I was like, who am I to think I'm going to be able to do 500 again? Who am I? How can I do this? This is what. And it comes back to what he said. Why not? If they can do it, why can't you?

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:19:19  Yeah. The thing I was pointing towards with that is one of the other commonalities I see with people's conditioning is, is to go above $1 million means I have to work more.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:19:29  I have to do more. I have to keep track of all. I gotta make sure it's all happening the right way and everything else. And that isn't true, because taking the company, you know, I had another company that I worked with, a wholesale company who was making $300,000 a year and five years. You know, that's about the top they got to. And they were using a line of credit to cover their costs versus what their revenue was. And all he wanted to do was get to $500,000, because then he could nickel and dime down that. So we I worked with him when we, when we had his vision, finally got him excited about $750,000. And in a year he went from 300,000 to $3 million. And life became easier. So often were taught, you know, if you want something, you gotta take massive actions and exhaustive efforts, and you got to be willing to trade off your life. And and that's what I would not was not willing to do. And so I've built my business and multiple businesses now based on it getting easier the bigger I grow because I build a team around that to handle those things and stuff like, you know, and all that.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:20:27  So, so really. And it's the conditioning. But unless unless something triggers us to see it, we will never be aware of it. And I tried doing this on my own for a long time, and I did. I wasn't even aware of it. You know, prior to Covid. I've been doing this for ten, 11 years now, and my, my coaching consulting business just just ramped. And it's because of utilizing tools I teach. And then Covid hit and I had like 14 or 16 live events canceled within a day and a half, and it came back down. And so what I did is I went right back into my strategies and be figuring it out and be figuring out the how, and everything else is up. And I was getting nowhere. And then I got another coach because I was I was without one for a little while there and, and started working with them. And we right away started pointing out those patterns, those paradigms, those habits, those, you know, one of the things I'll tell people, Lisa Marie, is, is, you know, you don't have to figure it all out, but if you find a process to take you through it, but you do have to be willing to be a little bit uncomfortable in the process, because we got to stop doing the things that feel like the right things that are leading us nowhere in order.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:21:39  You know, one of the ways I explain that my my mentor, Bob Proctor taught me this is is, you know, we want to take common actions which comes from that programming, but yet we want uncommon results. So taking shifting that to taking uncommon actions, which is the only way to lead to uncommon results, we have to be a little bit uncomfortable in the process of doing that.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:22:01  Yeah. They will. They tell you the, the the up leveling is in the uncomfortable. And if you're staying in that comfortable then you're not going to uplevel. You're not going to make the shifts. And, and again, I, I tell people all the time, the last six months of my business proves that again, I had to dig deep into my tools. I even had to go to one of my coaches and say, okay, I don't think these tools are going to get me wherever I'm at. what new tools? You know, what is there to help you and and I and I do mindset, right? I do mindset, and I'm recognizing that the tools I have that got me to where I'm at weren't going to get me farther.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:22:45  And that's when I was, shown, and, and told about the music. And I love, you know, moving to music. And so, she introduced that to my mom with me. And for me, that works. I'm still in the beginning stages of it, and I still feel kind of weird doing it. And she said, if I don't feel weird, then I'm not doing it right. So I guess I'm doing it right. and each person's going to have different tools that are going to work for them. The key is, is knowing, like being able, like you said, reaching into those tools. And then you're like, okay, I'm doing all these tools. This isn't working. You know what I. Somebody else. Because when we're in that pickle jar, when we're in, when we're in that space, we're not going to always be able to see the things. And the coach was able to have you see, oh, wow, I'm doing these habits again.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:23:33  I've got these paradigms again. Okay. What what new tool can help me shift this. And sometimes it's going back to the basics. The reason why it wasn't working is because you didn't actually see what habits you'd gotten back into. Right. and and yeah. And that's just going back even the basics of your tools.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:23:52  Yeah. Even with that, you know, my clients have come to me. I talked about the vision is where I start, every individual organization I work with and building that dynamic vision. But then once they start achieving that, there's another level of those paradigms.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:24:05  Every new level, a new devil.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:24:09  And so as we do that, we bump against those paradigms at a deeper level.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:24:14  That's what happened to me.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:24:15  And so it's a continuation of going forward. But I'll tell you when I once I understood that I'm not looking for a program that's that to make me a mini me of anybody I was. And that's why I created the Smt method, because that's what I experienced a lot, that mini me thing and, and I so I've developed this to whatever your vision, whatever your desires are for your life is what we're going to bring about.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:24:41  I love that not.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:24:42  Because my desires for your.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:24:44  Life, and I love that because I tell people all the time, you can have a business or corporate, make all the money in the world and and still not be wealthy because in my opinion, wealthy is more the money. And the reason why you're not wealthy is because you're not doing it aligned with your core values and your desires. You're not you're you're doing it for someone else, or you're doing it because you're checking on box. And it's really important that it be aligned with your core values and your desires. And it's and it's built for that. That's what's going to bring the wealthy on. I mean, that's the reason why I created the five wealth codes is because being wealthy is just so much more than just having money, because there's plenty of people who have money rich, but they're not wealthy, and it's because they're not living their best life. They're not. They're checking a box. They're not actually enjoying life. And to me, that's what being wealthy is all about.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:25:40  I don't want yes, I want money, but I don't want just the money. To me, that's not what's wealthy. So, you know, my five spiritual codes that I created was, spiritual, mental, physical, energetic and financial. And they all are surrounded by the core values and desires of that person. You're not of you and me. Not what I want for you or not what I think you want, what you actually want. And I think that's really important.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:26:10  Well, and that's the other side of, of of what? The SMRT program and what I stand for, my cause and everything else. And what I really want to experience in this life is I want to have wealth, but I want to have freedom of time to enjoy it. So the other side of things is as we accelerate that growth within the business, you know, that that client that went from 7.5 to $23 million, you know, in that same year, those same 12 months, it was the only year of their adult life that they took five weeks of vacation in that same year.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:26:39  So it's about it's not just the money, because if, you know, if you have $1 trillion and nobody close to, you know, to enjoy it with, if you don't have any time to go and do things you want to do and everything else, what's the value of that money? So it's really got to be to open up that life that you desire to live in. All of that's captured in what I call that dynamic vision.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:26:58  And that's the reason why I don't take on new clients during the months of June and July. That's the reason why there's only two podcast recording days in the month of June and July, because I'm outside on the lake with my girls waterparks or whatever I'm working minimum I like literally. I have client calls instead of three days a week. It's two days a week, and then the rest of the week I work half a day on Wednesday, and then the rest of week is blocked so that we can go and do whatever we want to do during the summer.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:27:29  And then I one whole week is taken off during the summer, and then later on in the year, several other weeks are taken off, which when I worked corporate, I got vacation and I still was never able to take it because you had you had to ask for it, right? And then they would determine, oh, I can't be without you for a solid week, or you know, what you had to go through to get someone to back you up while you were gone. It was almost worth not going.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:27:55  Bother you on the phone. Or we get in that mode where we can't go a day without checking our emails and stuff like that, even on vacation and stuff like that. So yeah, I've gotten much better.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:28:05  I've gotten much better around my boundaries on my emails. I even now have it to where it automatically replies, saying I only answer them twice a day. And if you're one on one client, then you know how to you. You can reach me via text, otherwise I'll answer within 2440 eight hours.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:28:20  But I only answer twice a day. And I've literally started living by that and it took me. I'll have my business now seven and a half years, and it's taken me five of those to finally do that, because at first it was thinking that I needed to be constantly responding. And I was like, you know what? No, this has got to stop. And it's realizing that we can actually set those boundaries and and that we can make those shifts. Right. So how do you work with your clients or how do you have or how did you, using it, how have you been able to, keep doing that money, the, the money mindset shift and being able to. Stay away from the abundance. like the scarcity mindset and being in that abundance mindset.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:29:13  It's just a continual stepping into it and stepping into it and stepping into it to the point, like the fact of where I come from. In Detroit, Michigan, raised the way I was raised to be to to make it to a vice president of sales with hundreds of thousands of dollars, you know, salary and the bonuses and all the other stuff to go with it or to what I'm doing today.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:29:33  It's unrealistic that that that I'm here, you know, based on conditioning and everything else. It's unrealistic. So I just keep stepping into it. And one of the things I'm really excited about and there's another point I make, but the one thing I'm really excited about is I'm getting ready to launch an institute to certify other coaches in the Smt programs. So now I get to expand my the impact that my life works has now, and even after I pass away, it'll keep going and stuff. And and one of the things when we talk about that with like, I love what I do, this is my core right here. I love talking about I love workshops, I love coaching, I love seeing people get that breakthrough when they get that moment right. And I love getting to be a part of it. So I only work with so many clients at the time, and the reason I do that is because every I worked in so many programs where like my, my, my coaching session might be on a Tuesday and Wednesday or Thursday, I got a question and I can try to email them, hoping they answer, but I don't get to discuss it with them until the next week.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:30:30  So my clients have access to me so they have a coach along with them through the process, not just once a week at these stamp times and stuff. And that's every client I've worked with at some point has needed to rely on that, you know, or we'll be on a coaching call and they're up against something tough. And it's like, you know, I'll set something up with them. Call me in two days. You know, let's talk about this more. So I get to work with people and really get embedded to ensure they get the absolute most out of the time we spend together. And that's going to be part of the thing with the institute that we're doing and things like that and stuff. So, yeah, you know, what it is, is, is a friend of mine told me a long, long time ago. He was a mentor of mine. And he said, you know, Joe, life is going to be like a train, you know, going uphill. And as long as you keep moving, as long as you keep growing, even if it's inch by inch, you'll keep going.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:31:19  But the moment you stop, you got to go backwards before you can go forwards again. And I just look at that and not that I, you know, I don't spend every minute of my waking day doing that. You know, I told you I hang glide motorcycle, trout, fish, pickleball like all kind of work out all kinds of stuff. I love doing it and stuff. So but but I continue to expand that like the Institute man, that was that was a vision I wouldn't like, a dream I've had since I started figuring this stuff out, before I even knew Smt was the name of the program that I would never even share with anybody, because I thought it was way too big of a dream for me to have. And now that's seeing it come to fruition. And I'll tell you, as a coach, you probably experience the same thing each time. Mike, a client of mine has a breakthrough. They get to that moment and they I, you know, identify what it is and we make that shift and you get to see them bring something else, you know, their vision into their life.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:32:15  That's a high for me. When I was in corporate America, I used to abuse alcohol and gambling and things like that, just to keep in that mode of of being in corporate America. I didn't, you know, it wasn't what I want or do with my life, but I did it because of my conditioning.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:32:31  Yeah. I mean you and I were aligned in, in another way by the way we were talking about how we're aligned around aligned. I do the same thing with my one on one clients. it's the, it's crew one on one which is create retain expand wealth. And my one on one clients, I only take on so many at a time and they get access to me, unlimited access to my cell phone via text. And they also get what we call one. Oh, shit. They it's an oh shit call a month. That's on top of them talking to me twice a month, so they get a call with me twice a month. So that means that they've got access to me at any given time, as we are working through.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:33:10  Because I'm what I do is I combine the fractional CFO and wealth coach in one. Right. So I'm working with their mindset. I'm working on them building the wealth, and I'm helping them with any shifts that may happen through life. Covid. the I have one client that's a therapist, and, some people may not know about it, but the clearing house got hacked. It was taken hostage. And which meant boom comes and boom comes. The medical doctors were all of a sudden not getting paid. Therapists office weren't getting paid, hospitals weren't getting paid. There was just all of a sudden because they'd taken it hostage. And they were they were holding it for ransom. Basically, they wanted to be paid a ransom in order for them to release it. Right. And so all of a sudden, these providers are still providing the service, but all their claims aren't being paid. Yeah. And you have all these people struggling. And she texted me, she said, hey, can we have an extra 30 minute call? I've got an issue.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:34:09  And she told me what it was. I said, yep, I said, I got a 30 minute spot tomorrow. We got on a call. We went through it and I said, okay, look, you're going to be okay. You've got this that we can use. We've got this that we can use if we need to. We'll pull from your line of credit to help make sure you can still pay your people. We can. We also still have we have enough money to make sure your taxes and all that's taken care of, because that was it was right around the same time in March. I said, so you're golden there, I said, and then we'll work on the cash flow. And we just we literally we were meeting once a week during this time just for her peace of mind as we navigated this, because they started being paid, but they were being paid slowly. And then this month, all the money that was backed up came in because they finally got, I don't know, whatever it was they did, they did.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:34:59  and so the claims, finally it all got solved. And so but the thing is, is that just shows you that you never know what's going to happen, right? Life is going to happen. Right. And you need to be able to navigate that. And one of the things, especially with women, when you're trusting someone to help you with your money, they want to know that they can have access to you, especially when they're shifting those mindset beliefs. Right? And then some oh shit moment happens. And then they got to wait a month to talk to you. They're going to literally by the time they come to talk to you, you now have to go back and do four months worth of work because they didn't have that access and see, I do. So when you were saying that that they have access to you through the entire process, my clients are the same way. I they my one on one clients have access to me through the entire. And that's because I know how it felt to not be able to have that access.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:35:50  And that's one of the reasons why I love my coach, is because he has a group of coaches that are part of the mastermind. And, you know, my accountability coach and the other coaches, I know that I've got someone I can reach out to. And at any given moment, I'm going to get the support I need. And, you know, and I just think that that's really, really important, knowing that you're fully supported, especially in one on one. You know, a lot of times we have one on ones and it's it's once a month like you're talking about, and then they're feeling lost and then you're doing back work. And when you're doing the type of work that you do or I do, when we're looking at those mind shifts and we're and we're taking them and shifting it from this belief to this belief and even shifting how you manage your money and how you look at your money and the relationship with your money to be able to see hope. You know what? I can't get to 700,000, or I can get to 500,000 because, you know, and then when you're at five, you know what? Wow, a million I can do that.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:36:47  Being seeing it, it's just like you say, when they all of a sudden have this moment, it's Especially when they realize the shifts they're making are now more aligned, more aligned with their desires and their core values. because my shift in my business has been happening, we've been calling it the Phoenix Rising moment, the rebirthing. It's it's been the biggest shift in my business in the entire seven and a half years. I've had it, and it's been huge and it's been scary. And that's why I've had to dig into those tools and go and reach out. And my accountability coach has been with me, like literally every step of the way via voice, text, whatever, multiple extra calls the whole nine yards to help me work through those and make sure that I have the tools I need to be able to shift it and be able to see what's possible. Because sometimes our our brains like to try and protect us, and they don't realize we're not needing protection. That, that that it's a shift.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:37:53  But then they're telling you, well, why are you making this shift? Why aren't you happy with what you got? You can't. You shouldn't do this. This is. This is too dangerous. This could. You know you're going to lose everything. Whatever. Whatever it is they're telling you, right? Who do you think you are to go set up an institute for SMRT? Yeah. That's right. You know, and and and, you know, tells me mom used to tell me, who the hell do you think you are to teach women that they can create wealth? And I literally told myself that. And then all of a sudden I went, wait a minute. I want them to understand they can create, retain and expand wealth, whether they came from it or not. And who else better to do it than me, who didn't come from wealth to begin with, and who was on food stamps when she started her damn business and took it to six figures in three years. Okay, who else better? And when you switch it that way, you start seeing what's possible.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:38:44  And by the way, I still tell myself this often, okay, during this big shift that's happening in my business because again, it's the it's the largest shift that's ever happened. It's it's the largest shift to take me to the largest up leveling that has ever happened. And that is your Smt Institute I'm sure is probably the largest 1 or 1 of the largest one for you. And it's scary, right?

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:39:06  Well, going into institute, I've never done it before. So when we go into new things, there's a fear. And one of the things I tell everybody, you want to take your business above $300,000 a year, there's going to be fear. You got to learn how to manage that fear and what it is and when to pay attention to it, and when it's a warning sign and when it's just make believe stuff, that that's coming to.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:39:25  Mind is a warning sign. Minds to make believe stuff.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:39:29  Yeah. The fault. Yeah. And we all face I mean that's the reason why I jumped, ran off of that 2000 foot mountain top the first time with the hang glider because I was I thought I was afraid of heights.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:39:38  And what I realize in that process is I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of falling and and through that process and stuff. But but it's such a great example because we we all have fears. If we're doing anything outside of our comfort zone, we have fears we'll never get anywhere from within our comfort zone. For as far as expansion or growth, but getting outside of that, to start understanding and to start living with fear is going to be a part as soon as I step outside of that comfort zone, but we can kick it the heck out of the driver's seat of our life. We can, you know, fear. It seems like it's so far side to side and so tall we can't get over it. But a lot of times it's just paper thin. You know, the moment when I was standing up there on my first run off that ledge, I had the hang glider. I got the clear, and everything inside of me is going, don't do it, don't go, don't go, don't go.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:40:29  And I could feel my heart beating. And then as I took the first. Because you only get three steps and you're off. And so I take the first step. And all of a sudden I could feel my heart beating in my throat and that my insides are going, no, no, no. And and the moment my feet left the ground. I was soaring like an eagle and it was just, man, this is incredible. And that's what happens on the other side of our fear. And our fear will always be great as right before that jumping off point when we get to that, you know, when we get to that level of whatever it is we want to get to.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:41:08  I think the closest I'll ever come to it is the parasailing I did.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:41:14  Yeah. When you're hooked to a boat.

Speaker UU 00:41:16  Yes. And my feet were on the ground and I was fine, and then my feet weren't.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:41:20  On the ground. And then, like you said, once you got to that point, it was like, Holy shit.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:41:25  You're like, you're seeing everything and just a new way. And then, of course, the scary part was then when they're bringing you down and you're landing because you have to do it a certain way so you don't. yeah. So that I think that's the closest I will ever come. And I did that in Mexico in 2019.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:41:44  but it's such a great analogy of facing our fears and how thin they can be. Because when you got done with that, as much fear as you had landing and everything, wasn't it?

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:41:55  It was amazing. Yes. Yeah, it was amazing. I love this. this conversation I could have for like, hours and hours on the end. And we can't do the podcast that long. I want you to tell the listeners your, free offer, because I think, it is something that they need to jump at. because I, I one I'm, I never used to believe in meditations and, and stuff like that, and I was always the one that go, look, if I close my eyes and go to meditate, I'm going to sleep.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:42:32  And I don't sit still long enough. And then someone showed me that there's different ways of meditating. Not the, the not the way that you see. yeah. Like I can't do that. Okay. That's just not happening. so tell our listeners what your free offer is.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:42:49  Absolutely. And I got a little bonus one, too. So, like I said, I love what I do. Lisa Marie. Like, I love getting involved. I love being involved in other people's lives and and truly living from what I've learned to be a servant's heart. I love that, you know, and I get more fulfillment than I've ever had in life in doing so. And so one of the things I offer anybody who's listening to this, who who has a question or a trigger, something or anything else is reach out to coach with Joey. Com and schedule a 15 minute call with me. We'll get on there. We'll talk about what's going on, will relate to some things, whatever it is.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:43:20  And if I can help you at all on that call, then I'll help you. And that's all that the call is about, is just serving. And if you remind me when we're on that call, anybody that sets it up is I'll send you a package of four meditations to help start stirring that mindset, to help start, start opening up to seeing a greater potential for your life than where you are right now. And again that's coach with Joey. Com and we're going to and that's my personal calendar.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:43:48  And we're going to make sure that I have that on the show notes. We'll have it in the show notes and the note. And y'all he's given a four part meditation. If you all you got to do is mention it on the call with him that you want the four pack meditations. I say take it because I've started listening to Insight Timer, and I have a meditation that I listen to as I go to sleep, and it's a two hour one. And, it's been it's about abundance and it's been it's one of the new, new ways that I'm using the mindset with the shift, with the business shift, because I'm at that new level.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:44:23  So we have and I'm outside of my comfort zone. And because I'm outside my comfort zone, those things are coming up. Right. And you even said it as we get outside our comfort zone each time and we go to do that new level, you're going to have those things come up every, you know, and unfortunately, it's going to be every single time. It's the reason why I say you're always going to work on your mindset. It's just like your fitness health. You're always going to work on it. You don't.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:44:50  Everything starts with mindset going into something. Don't do it.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:44:54  You're always going to work on it.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:44:55  We have to thank you. And those meditations, I call them meditations, but people will listen to them. Whether, you know, you don't have to sit with your eyes closed.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:45:02  Oh, no. I have one that's an active meditation.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:45:05  Running, exercising. Things like that. And stuff while they're cooking dinner. And they're really it's four videos and it's set to start opening up that I would.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:45:13  Love to have them. I'm going to get them, y'all, because I'm going to tell you, I've been listening to an active meditation. When I do dishes, there's one that I listen to when I do dishes and it's it. I'm paraphrasing it, but part of it is talking about how I'm a badass bitch. I'm it. But it's it's it's uplifting and it's telling me how I'm abundant and it brings in those beliefs. And you, you listen to it over and over again, kind of like you listened to all those stories over and over again. Guess what's going to happen? You start shifting to that belief, and then you start seeing, you know what, this uncomfortableness, this is possible. Okay. And then you're going to get there to where you want to be. And then guess what? You're going to get to another level of uncomfortable in order to keep growing. And so it's just really, really important if you take anything away from that. I just want you to know that that, we can retrain our brains, it slices a motherboard, we can retrain them, we can retrain the way we think about anything, including wealth and money.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:46:13  And I just think that's really important. Thank you so much, Joey, for being on my show. I feel like I already know you. Your kinship. You're from South Carolina. thank you so much.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:46:23  the connection.

Lisa Marie Robinson  00:46:24  It is, and so much so. I already know I want you back on the show. So, thank you very, very much. And my friend, remember? Until next time, stay sassy. Bye.

Joseph (Joey) Drolshagen 00:46:35  God bless.